Chapter 319; Let me settle you....

"Hehehe, we were just blind you know! Forgive us!" Ya Ya softly giggled brushing her off! Next time, she won't open her big mouth to say anything that could end up being controversial, imagine if she was hotheaded and stopped her from going over to that charity home. What could have happened to those innocent kids?

"What happened to those assailants actually? They were gone by the time we came out of the building." Li Ruo was curious, and she inquired before this curiosity could eat her up! She eyed Su Wei Wei and noticed that maniacal gaze her eyes were oozing, and she immediately understood, she actually wouldn't blame her.

Once someone thinks the system will fail them, then they would have to take justice into their own arms.

"Taken by the police officers to serve some jail time I guess..." Su Wei Wei responded confidently as they drove out of the community over to the highway.