Chapter 354; For the future?

"Wei Wei..."

"Listen to what I have to say!

I don't want to listen to anything you say... I love you Ah Shen..."

Let's always be together, okay?"

Were we not meant to be together? Okay? Let's not fight!"

"I don't want to hear anything else! mnnh?" She pressed her lips on his as she gently nibbled his lower lip, Huo Shen could only sigh and reciprocate her kiss, it was gentle with some longing.

He wanted to wait until she had turned of age but with all her provocations, he wasn't a saint but neither a beast.

His arms wrapped around her back as he gently kissed her lower lip suckling to her upper lip, she shoved her tongue deeper into his mouth as he suckled and twirled his tongue around it.

Su Wei Wei's hands were fisted into his head hair enjoying that moment she knew wouldn't happen again for some time. She knew whatever she was doing wasn't right, but this was the only option left for her.