Chapter 358; Don't worry Boss...

"Boss! We picked them up by ourselves and immediately ate them..." One of the guards immediately responded. They had noticed those guards who had taken the purple pearls were stronger than the normal ones, their agility, sharpness, and precision were on another level and they decided to have those to see if the effects would be the same.

"What?" Huo Zheng facepalmed himself! " How can you have those inedible things? Don't you worry about your health?" Huo Zheng didn't know what to think of this naivety. How can they suddenly take those golden pearls?

"Don't worry boss, they just taste like sweets, they are soft and melt in the mouth, tell Commander that we can get more so that we are able to strengthen the younger growing-up soldiers in the camp!" They didn't see like they did anything wrong, their captain was leading them in that. They also wanted to be stronger like the other guards.