Chapter 432; You used my son?

"You used my son? How could you, you idiot! How dare you use my son? He hadn't wronged you in any way!" Pang Shue was infuriated hearing that this woman and her daughter had been using her son to push their agendas forward. If Huo Dong was found guilty, he would have been imprisoned! That would have been the end of it.

"He is old enough to know what he is doing?! No one forced him to get entangled with all this mess, he isn't a kid! It's his greediness that led to that!" Wang Kang coldly muttered glaring at Huo Shen gritting her teeth.

"See, you have just admitted it, so, where did the drug come from? Who sent you? Who are you working for?" He wanted to know who was conspiring and Huo Dong might be naive of all these happenings! He couldn't even tell he was being used as a scapegoat.

"I don't know what you are talking about! I know nothing!" She wasn't ready to speak up, not now, not ever! She would go down to the grave with the truth of the matter.