Chapter 462; Master, It isn't my fault...

"We are around four tribes, the Phoenix, Griffin, Dragons, and fairies... Each had its own Kingdom: the Dragons were in the Southern parts of the mystical Lands, Griffins in the North, Fairies in the West, and the Phoenix were in the Eastern part... Each has its own territory, but the ones in power right now are the Griffins. To consolidate and cement their supremacy, they need to have the Phoenix Princess as their partner, which is you, and then, any other prince is free to contend, and the best wins...." This was how they played their politics in the mystical Lands; everyone had the freedom to pursue her, but Zhou Ming Tu wanted to imprison her, and she had to choose him without options.

"Interesting! But don't you think they are just wasting their time on me? After all, I'm nothing but just a simple human waiting to be roasted! How can I be a Phoenix Princess? I am such a powerless girl!" She softly spoke up as her fingers fiddled around.