Chapter 464; She is alive....

To ease her tensed heart and body, she slightly coughed several times, exhaled and inhaled, closed her eyes, and tried to use her purple eyes' magical powers. She, deep down, knew her purple eyes were inferior when compared to golden eyes, and she always wondered what kind of powers they held.

With her purple eyes, she broke through the magic barriers that had been restricting her, and after a series of searches, she finally found him. Inside her bedroom, looking lost, drunk, and dispirited. He had tremendously lost weight and looked paler than she had met him on the first day in prison.

Since she could communicate with him through dreams, she had to put him to sleep, and after a few seconds, she was inside his dreams, she knew she was manipulating things on Earth which was against the law governing the Earth and Heaven but she was ready to receive that punishment and all the repercussions, she couldn't watch him wallow in sadness and loss himself like that.