Chapter 475; Mwaah! I love you!

Huo Shen looked at the woman in his arms and wondered where she had been and what she had been up to! She was never someone who believed anyone's words without listening to him first.

"Wei Wei... We need to drink again! I missed you! It's good to be back you know! You are my one and only girlfriend! No one can ever replace you, I owe you two lives already! I love you so so much." Lin Ruo didn't shut up, but instead, she was wiggling, trying to get out of that man's arms so that she could find Su Wei Wei.

Zhu Bai was holding her body tightly, this was the first time seeing her this drunk! It was better never to allow her to get any closer to any alcohol. Her alcohol tolerance was too low.

"Can you please keep shut for a while? Do you want Huo Shen to throw us out of the chopper?" That man was capable of anything so long as it was someone competing for Su Wei Wei's love.