Chapter 3 - My prince

As the seasons transitioned, the gardens transformed, revealing their diverse beauty. We would often meet under the tree that had witnessed our first encounter. I sang my songs, and Prince William said that he was my number one fan. The tree's once barren branches were now adorned with lush foliage, casting dappled shadows that danced upon the earth below. 

One bright morning, I arrived at the palace gardens with Mr. Fluffy. The sun's gentle rays kissed my skin, and a light breeze played with my hair as I approached our meeting spot. Leo, as always, greeted us with his majestic presence, his sleek form exuding an aura of grace and strength.

The prince soon joined us, his eyes lighting up with delight. "Ella, it's wonderful to see you again," he said warmly. "And Mr. Fluffy, of course. How have you both been?" I felt a sudden flutter in my heart every time I saw his handsome face. He was only 15 yrs. old but he was well-mannered for his age. He treated me like a lady even if I was only 12 yrs. old that time.

I smiled in return, feeling the camaraderie we had developed over time. "We've been well, thank you, Your Highness. Life has been full of pleasant surprises since our first meeting."

Leo approached, nuzzling against me as if to express his joy. I extended my hand, gently patting his head. "And how have you and Leo been, Your Highness?"

The prince chuckled, his bond with his feline friend evident. "We've been as close as ever. Leo and I make a great team, don't we, boy?" Leo responded with a contented purr, and the prince continued, "I've been looking forward to our conversations."

"Your Highness, hearing about life in the palace is captivating. The grandeur and intricacies must be enthralling." I felt my cheeks flush again into a bright pink.

"Indeed, the palace holds wonders, but it can sometimes feel confining. The weight of responsibility sometimes overshadows the splendor." He nodded.

I don't understand this lovely feeling whenever I see his smiling face but he does make me feel this way without so much effort.

"Someday, you will have the power to change people's lives, which is very important," I told him. Indeed, this man will have an even more challenging responsibility in the future.

Prince William was smiling. "It demands dedication and commitment, don't they?"

"Absolutely! You manage the realm, but it's not just duty; it's an opportunity to nurture and protect what's dear to us." I agreed. I can't hide my admiration for him.


 "Well said, Ella. And beyond our duties, what dreams do you hold? What stirs your heart?" He asked curiously.

I reflected, "I've always been drawn to nature, Your Highness. The blooming gardens and whispering trees are like melodies that speak to my soul. I dream of tending to a garden of my own one day, where every petal tells a story." 

The reality is it's you who stirred my heart my dear William, but of course, I can't tell that to him. I was thinking this and I think I'm going to melt if he knows this.

"A garden, you say? How wondrous! There's a serenity in cultivating life, watching it flourish and thrive under your care. Your passion for nature is truly admirable." Prince William said while grinning.

 "And Your Highness, what dreams fill your heart beyond the palace walls?" I asked curiously. I hope it's me. I thought dreamily.

Prince William was gazing into the distance. "My dream? To rule with fairness and kindness, uplift my people, and make decisions that better their lives. It's a responsibility that goes beyond the crown; it's about serving and ensuring the well-being of all."

"Your compassion for your people shines through, Prince William. It's a noble dream that speaks volumes about your character." I said with admiration but hoped it was me that could fill his heart. I sighed.

Prince William was smiling. "Thank you, Ella. Our dreams may differ in scope, but they share a common thread—the desire to nurture and protect, whether a garden or a kingdom."

"Yes, indeed. A shared aspiration to create and safeguard the beauty around us, in whichever form it takes." I agreed.

One day, as we strolled amidst the gardens, I couldn't help but admire the vibrant flowers that adorned the palace grounds. "Your Highness," I said, "the palace gardens are breathtaking. The diversity of flowers and their colors is truly captivating. I've read about exotic flowers from distant lands. Do you have any of those in your gardens?"

The prince nodded; his expression filled with pride. "Indeed, Ella. The palace gardens house an array of exotic blooms and gifts from different lands. Let me show you one of my favorites."

We walked to a secluded corner of the garden, and there it was – an extraordinary orchid unlike any I had ever seen. Its petals were a vibrant shade of indigo with delicate patterns resembling constellations in a night sky.


"The Starry Night Orchid," the prince explained. "It's native to a land far to the east and only blooms for a few days each year. Its rarity and beauty make it a treasure within our gardens." He was staring at me intently with those captivating eyes again.

I gazed at the flower in awe, admiring the intricate details of the petals. "It's exquisite, Your Highness. To think that something so unique can be found here is truly remarkable."

The prince smiled. "It's a reminder of the rich tapestry of cultures and treasures our kingdom is fortunate to be a part of."

As we continued our walks through the gardens, our friendship deepened. We shared moments of laughter, exchanged secrets and dreams, and discussed topics ranging from the stars that adorned the night sky to the wonders of the animal kingdom.

One afternoon, I shared my fascination with the diverse bird species that graced our estate. "Your Highness, so many beautiful birds visit our gardens. I often watch them; their colors and songs resemble a living symphony."

The prince's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "I'd love to hear more about them, Ella. Can you describe some of the birds you've seen?"

I eagerly began describing the birds that frequented our gardens – the melodious nightingales, the vibrant peacocks that strutted in their resplendent plumage, and the playful sparrows that filled the air with their cheerful chirping. I even shared stories of a wise old owl that roosted in the ancient oak tree near our estate.

The prince listened with rapt attention; his fascination evident. "Ella, your descriptions bring the beauty of your world to life. It's as if I can hear the birds' songs and see their vibrant plumage before me. Thank you for sharing your world with me."

Our friendship flourished under the shade of the tree, the gardens becoming the backdrop for our blossoming bond. The palace gardens, Leo, the prince, and our frequent meetings became a cherished part of my life.