First mission

It's a new day a new journey. Dev was updated with his first mission task. One intermediate mastery and 3 basic mastery on different weapons.

Dev has thought that he would continue to master his basic staff mastery into intermediate mastery and have 3 basic mastery as following :spear, dragger and a mace. Reason for this was because he wanted to have similar stance with spear and staff and dragger for short and hidden weapon. As for the mace he thought it could go well combination with spear.

So here dev was again at the army camp swinging his staff. The difference here was that at basic mastery the staff needed to hit for certain amount but in intermediate mastery player need to do certain amount of hit with certain time in perfection. Like 100 hit within 2.5 minutes for 1 prophecy point and time amount will reduce by 1 sec after every increase in 2 points with atleast 70% perfection. So it was a hard challenge. It would be easy on the first try but it would take a lot of hard work and dedication at later phases. Now he knew that even when player could learn every weapon on the camp why 2 or 3 mastery would make them satisfied as to reach intermediate mastery lots of time was needed and they could just pass basic mastery and explore so that they could just upgrade into mastery through this easy way where experience and gold will also be given.

Looks like lot of hard work here thought dev. He didn't forget to record his gameplay as he thought the old women could give out him a hidden quest that hasn't been found out yet as this old lady wasn't seen in last 7 years of game releasing. Looked like it was a new addition in last update.

His sister have also updated his mastery video on staff. His account was growing by now. Although not by big margin, little by little it was growing. And mostly were the people following him through his very first video and all of them were toxic. As they would make fun of dev luck and how he was playing but that's what dev wanted as he could create a different version of him for the internet.

A week has passed by now, dev has been on the army camp for more than in any places of the map.all this time he was training, hitting on dummy or would be outside begging to get money and to buy food.






LUCK : 10











His status has also changed in past few days his massive increase in status was strength and stamina. Looks like this is the effect of the training in the army camp. His past few days swinging staff was showing handy as stats point were increasing and his mastery has reached 60 by now. It was a hard time as some times perfection wouldn't meet, sometimes he couldn't completely hit 100 times and some times time wouldn't meet. So reaching intermediate mastery was still far. He tried hitting vital points but it didn't show any effort like in the basic mastery test. It looked to take lots of time here.

Dev thought he should try to master every basic mastery there to master. Way more than what's actually needed. So he also asked out his sister on this thought and his sister told him that it was actually a good idea mentioned by him. Looking at the past 7 years of recording, there hasn't been a single player to do that as 1st generation player were in a race to compete for dominance where as 2nd and 3rd were there to follow those steps and trying to a force in top guild, sect or noble family. Player have 3 or 4 master on weapons at maximum but if dev were to max out master he could play in any situation in a team fight.

Many players thought it wasn't their time worth to stay back at beginner village and so they just learnt and master some 2 3 basic mastery on compatibility suitable weapons. So it would be a worth to try for his future and his video content.

Every player could leave their beginner village after lvl 10 but they get the choice to stay back but only downsight was that they will have hard time leveling up in low level monster ground. Many players would stay back and form a small group and try to extort money and players for the guild. Every player will be send out their journey in small village where some has noble where non, town, city, district, province, capital and then continents and this was how it was difderencate. Their is wars between guild, district,noble, country, prince in the game and player could be mercenary provided by the noble family, guild, sect or country.

And there was a notice in gaming platform that a big war is going to held in the capital where prince were going to compete for the position of heir. Looked like a big opportunity for the veteran players but not for dev, he was going to be held back here for maybe more than 3 months and it was a long long way to go.

Last night he went out to meet his brother alpa, alpa has also started to play and both he and his fiancé were already hitting lvl 9 and were just few plays away. He also told Dev that aria competition that was going to held has been going to be after few months and they were trying to compete and asked dev to play as teammates as alpa know dev hadn't lost a single game when it came to competitive since they know each other.