1. rebirth new life

young boy around 4years old looked around him confuse to what happened he is looking around confused he say that he was in a hous not moderan made of wood he no it's not his own finally he went outside he sees people going in and out

outfit was different people are wearing weasts and most district they have forehead protecter like thing

he remember he has seen logo on that forehead protecter it was konaha hidden leaf village

he thought no it's not no he got excited looked around fantacly finally he sees a hill looked closely that was a hill three head sclupters on them

after seeing this he knew he has crossed he was excited finally my dream wish

he think about who he was but cant he try hard finally due to strong curiocity his this life memory surfaced he knew who he was

his name is noir sullevan he is just a child who doesn't have parent or relatives died or not not know with this memory he lost his hopes

well he wants a new life because his after life was not what he want he was orphan in that life and even now in this life he is an orphan really doesn't know want love is

he just want family or love what he has always been wronged might be was wrong or world did it wrong but even so let's try again noir thought to himself and smile

noir then though he get to a side and sees a house not big but not small either there he say an oldwomen siting looking don't know where might lost her thoughts

in noirs memory he knew who she is might be only person he was cared by in this cruel world he don't knew her name noir just always call her by grandma she is not relative to him by blood or anything

in his memorys he all knew he was alone in a orphanage and this old women was one who adopted him from three and got him in home

when I come year ago to now I have only seen her alone after hearing from surrounding people I have somewhat knew her situation she is 80 this year

her husband died when she was pregnant and she has two twin sons both were in anbu talented young men but they seems to died three years ago on mission

she don't know what mission was but both were on same mission with other many ninjas team they say that only three or four people return from 10-12 member team

from then people say she is like this she stop interacting with people or nabours siting alone there it's might be because of this she adopted me

so might she can get out of this loneliness she is great women I can see it after all I was like 17 year old person in last life might not too old to see world but when people from five year is orphan

he can see much more then normal people's eyes can see even if the see it their whole life loneliness theches us things that no book can teach

he was lonely person last life might no one remember his even when he was dead that's what make his much sader then his own death

someone great once said that men shall not fear they should fear that they never existed

so in this life he wants to be different might make some people remember his after death

[ding it has detected that host has gotten

has gotten his memorys so best system

for you shall be created ]

system? yeah so will I too get a system it's really great wonderfull so what will it be and what means creating

[for host question every system is different

for every person depending on there heart

reflection what they want most]

[so system require host concent to create

matching system for host]

[does host give permission]


obviously yes please give me best system

[system had gotten data that required creating

system 1° 8°17°80°99°100°]

[congratulations to host he getting heart touch system]

heart system seems simple so what is it's function tell me

[answering host heart system only has two function

1 host can make a person feel good will toward himself like family or friend to a very high limit you can get his all ability he has his chakra amount he has his blood succession limit and experience with your permission and if affection toward you reach full you can get lucky draw from which you can get reward depending on from which affection was from

2 you can heal anyone with thoughts but you need to touch for whole one minute and you will get that person's all abilities his chakara amount and his blood succession limit and experience with your permission and your healing is powerfull healing you have full control you can heal a person if person died before one hour between this time you can even revive his depending on your compuctiom ]

ohh that some powerfull ability might be most powerfull might not depend on yourself but on other they are simple but not simple either but is that I want most hah

well i did expection like my system might be realted to friends or loved ones well this givese me more motivation to make friends

well to think about systems first function it difficult for me now after all I do not have any friend or family in my last life so affection it's too dicicult

and second one it's just total cheat just heal someone and everything his is yours but isn't my system was heart system what is heal have to do with heart like i am not only healing heart right

[ answering host as system name heart touch

when you heal someone your healing technique will send an wave in inside that person body and when that wave touch that person heart only that can activate system function]

well it's a good explanation but cant I just tear his chest a little and touch his heart directly so it will be fast no what am I thinking

[yes host can also do this it can activate system function]

well not like who will let me do this and it's not good thing well to think like that I am not gonna change even in this life huh this overthinking problem is mine it's really bad but even so let's live this life full of happiness make friend family and also might make girlfriend in this life no no what am I thinking again

noir what are you thinking

just when noir was lost in his future planing grandma voice come to him

noir looked up he saw old grandma walking to him weakly after seeing her he walk toward her and said grandma don't walk like this you are sick

to this grandma just smile and touch his head after seeing his she can get out of her loneliness that's why she had adopted him even now she remember

when she was siting outside her house she seen a little boy 2 or three year siting alone when most child his age were paying around with caretater of orphanage

he seems lonely out of these child's when I was curious I get to him and ask him why was he sitting alone he said he don't know after some talk this kid got empotional

he started crying I don't know what to do I asked his does he want something after hearing this he slowly started at me so I thought yes stoped crying he asked me can you really give me

I don't understand I thought he might ask me to get him some sweets or toys so I said yes tell me what do you want and he didn't said to me anything he just pint his finger

I see his finger direction I see small family a mother and father playing with there child 7 to eight year old I didn't understand so I ask his do you want that ball that that child is playing with

he shook his head looked at me with teary eyes and said I want family

after hearing this she got emotional and left after all she also doesn't have family she just lost his only sont months ago

after some day she come to that orphanage and decided to adopt that child but orphanage head decline he said that she is old and can't take care of child but after some difficulty she successfully abopted him

it's more then a year they are together living like a family she liked him very much he was just like her real grandson she knew she doesn't have much time so she want to give as much warmth as she can give him

lets wash your hands food is ready let eat after saying this she let him in house anter getting inside house noir let grandma to sit on chair well we mostly buy food from shops or get it from nabours with money monthly

grandma get pension of his sonts monthly and some inheritance of his husband they are not living luxurious life but it is not bad they both can eat three times a day for 20 22 years after all they are not buying some ninjutsu or tools

it's inough for them

after letting he sit noir start eating with her and after eating he pickup and started washing dishes after all child's in ninja world are precousious they can do work from childhood

after doing some work he was about to sleep after letting grandma to bed but grandma suddenly said to him

noir come here I want to talk to you

noir was startled he come to herbut his thoughts were runing wild he was uncomfortable after all he doesn't knew what to talk even in last life he wasn't talktive person

grandma let him sit on bed with her she touch his head and ask so did you get family now

noir was in his thought suddenly this question come to him but suddenly his predecessor memorys come to his his days with grandma and that happy movements

suddenly he feels most on his cheeks he touched it and saw it was his tears it was normal but even so he smile brightly and look at grandma and said I did grandma

grandma sees this and feel releave and happy and after so long time she was that happy but suddenly she look sad and said to him noir I know you are sensible child and grandmother is proud of you

noir look at her don't what she want to say look at her seriously because he can see she is serious

grandma said to him you know I don't have long time she was sad saying this to child but she knew she had to say this

noir look at her didn't said anything he knew what she was talking about

grandma continue i knew I will die soon and you'll have to be good boy make friends family

be happy your whole life I don't want you to be ninja but I knew you need to be strong and protect everyone around you

while saying she continue don't become like me look it's not good at all alone in loneliness

in the memories of the people you loved once

noir look at her and started crying he said to her grandma i will I will make many friends a big family and become stronger then anyone and protect everyone

after seeing me like this she was sad but she knew he needs this she looked at him and said i won't be with you long so don't be sad

noir here this and think of his system and thought he can save her after all people die of old age because there organd slowly stop working if his ability can make his organs return to just like new she would have much more time

but he doesn't want to reveal his secret or ability yet he was not strong enough to save himself he was tangeld with his thought

but he thought this is his only family now even it's not even 4 hours yet but the memories he knew how much she cared about this body he thought he is too selfish and he should do this and he can see what happen next

his eyes become clear he looked at hergrandma was startled and look at at her grandson who like he has made a big decision and his serious expression on that child face she laughed and hugged his

noir do you want to say something to grandma noir look at her and said seriously grandma what if I can heal you grandma was startle with this out of sky question but she though and answer seriously

it doesn't matter

noir look at ater surprise he didn't expect this he was confused

grandma continue i might be selfish but I don't want to live anymore I lost everything I had husband child parents and I always think about them and now I can't take this anymore

after saying this her head droped a bid and she said forgive me noir for being selfish and bad family but I really can't take it

noir look at her crying his heart ached seeing her like this but he knew she has decided and look at her don't worry about me grandma grandma look at noir

noir was crying but look at her toucher his heart with his right hand and said to her grandma you would never die you will always be in my heart live forever with me

grandma look at his grandson his words made here shook and finally she hugged him tightly from now or you will also be in my heart I will see you from up there


suddenly in his mind a notification sounded but he didn't pay attention to this

she said to noir I really want to see you grown up but als but noir look at her and said to her I will let you see it grand mother she thought he mas just talking she knew she would be dead till that time

but noir has seen whole Naruto series he knew many ways to let her grand mother see him growup

after that she fell sleep after all she was tired witht this long conversation anfter letting her on bed he left her room and get in his bed

suddenly he remember he got notification sound system he called system suddenly

a pannel shown to him there the saw two notification

[ ding congratulations your grandma simari ayio affection toward you had reached 80 and you had gotten her all abilities do you accept it]

[ding your grandma simari ayio affection toward you had reached 100 and you had gotten special lottery box due to first time

host has gotten special chance you can get

konaha village a kage lavel ninjal whole skills

and experience and blood enheritence]

noir after seeing this felt warm in his heart

he knew how much grandma care about him

and now he actually saw her name and he remember it

first accept all grandma's skills and experience

system accept grandma's experience package

[ ding congratulations you have gotten a

chunnin amount of chakra household all

skills she knew and some fightin experience

three basic jutsu and fireball jutsu]

suddenly large amount of chakra come inside his body and he can feel his body become light

and suddenly large amount of information about household skills and some basis ninjutsu like body transformation body replacement tequnique

it was like this was his own experience he even got muscle memories

it was not so strong after all grandma was not big ninjal she might be older then third hokage might village wast there when she was so she doesn't learn anything these tequnique might give to her by his husband or sons

now seeing second notification he was most excited after all it was cage level so who should he choose

after all there are many cage level in konaha from second hokage to fourth and after three sannin and then danzo sissui itachi and white fang there are many

he is now weak so he need a very strong life saving skill not strongest to kill now

suddenly he thought of oruchimaru but decided not to after all he has one of strongest on saving his life but that will reveal his identity afterall even how much ability to run he has how much can he run

and most importantly his system need make relationship with other to become stronger

so he need skill that can run without letting anyone knew mostly

so a character got in his mind