Chapter 38

After a while, Naruto stood up, he looked at the other members of Rias's peerage, he had known them from the recording of the Rating Game between Rias and Riser. But he guessed he had to introduce himself first.

"Well hello guys, the name's Naruto Uzumaki, I guess Rias or Akeno had told you guys about me!" Koneko was of course too quiet and timid to talk about anything if she didn't want to, so he guessed either Rias or Akeno had told them about him. Naruto brought out his hand and smiled.

"Hello Naruto-senpai!" Kiba was the first one to walk up to Naruto and shake his hand, "I'm Kiba Yuuto, Rias-sama's Knight."

"Hello Kiba-kun...By any chance is Souji-nii san is your master?" Naruto asked, while the boy had a very useful Sacred Gear, Naruto could see that his sword style was the same as Souji, even though he was still not as good as him but the stance was the same. Kiba had the aura of a Knight around him, looks like Rias had chose a very good Knight for herself.

"Yes Naruto-sama, Souji-sensei is my master!"

"Then good, you will become really strong someday, so become strong eh Kiba-kun?" Kiba nodded his head to thank Naruto and took a step back for Asia.

"Asia Argento, It's nice to meet you Naruto-sama!" Asia introduced herself with a bright smile and bowed her head to him, though Naruto could hear the nervousness in her voice.

"No need for the '-sama' part Asia-chan!" Naruto smiled kindly at her, he could feel that the girl's soul is really pure, a trick he learned from Gabriel.

"Yes, Naruto-san!"

And the last one of Rias Peerage was none other than the super pervert boy Hyoudou Issei. Naruto had deleted the memories about him from the boy's mind but left a few details back for the boy so he shouldn't be able to recognize him right away.

"My name is Hyoudou Issei, a pleasure to meet you Naruto-senpai!"

"Ise-kun, holder of the Boosted Gear, aren't you?" The brunette nodded his head, "Well Ise-kun, you still have a long way to go to become a true Sekiryuutei. So what is your dream?"

"To become the HAREM KING!" He roared both excitedly and shamelessly, making Naruto sweat drop a little. Really, even though he had seen that coming, he still couldn't believe this boy could easily get excited by that idea. He could hear the cracking sound of Koneko's fist and chuckled. Koneko really hates perverts, so Naruto guessed she is the one who put Issei in place when he got too excited with a woman's flesh.

"Well, good luck Ise-kun!" Naruto nodded his head and shook the boy hand.

Naruto turned to Sona and quickly introduced himself to her. He had seen her before at the high-class party but this is the first time he had ever talked to the famous Sona Sitri, one of the most intelligent girls in the underworld. She's also the sister of Serafall Leviathan, the So-tan that Serafall was so crazy about.

And lastly, when Naruto was ready to go to the garden, he came face to face with Sairaorg, the strongest young devil at the moment. Even though he was powerful, Naruto could felt the warmth and kindness coming from him, the power Sairaorg was keeping inside him was also really incredible.



They looked at each other for a bit before caught each other's hand in a hand shake.

"Show me what you got Naruto-san!" Sairaorg smiled to Naruto, he was really excited now.

"I won't disappoint you Sairaorg-san!" Naruto smiled back at him with confidence in his voice "Just you watch!"

"Are you sure about this Rias, I mean I know that you believe in his power but don't you think this is a little too much, one person fighting against all sixteen members of Riser's peerage, one of top ten peerages in the underworld!" Sona looked at Naruto, who was doing some stretching exercises to get ready for the fight, his opponents were standing glaring at him like he was an insect, firmly believing that he was no match for them.

"Don't worry Sona, he will do just fine!" She knew that Naruto was probably stronger than two years ago. After all, he had gave her brother's Peerage a run for their money when he was just twelve years old, so handling Riser's peerage would be fine to him. Still, a frown slowly made its way to her beautiful face, if Naruto was stronger now, it meant the gap between her and Naruto was wider than ever.

"Before the fight begins!" Sirzechs said out loudly to both sides, all the spectators was here to watch the fight at the middle of the garden, with a barrier created to avoid any harm to the spectators of course. "Naruto-kun, if you win this fight, what do you want as the reward? The strongest peerage, the most beautiful woman in the underworld or..." Sirzechs whispered loudly, "Even free tickets for free ramen for the rest of your life!" Just as Sirzechs finished, everyone in the stadium all looked at Naruto with a confused look on their face. Sirzechs smirk grew wider when he saw Naruto flinch. Because of him living in the castle and eating luxurious meals all the time, no one knew about his addiction for the unhealthy food called ramen except for Sirzechs, who happened to invite him for a late night meal when they just got back home from a meeting.

"Well, the ticket sounds really good..." Naruto scratched his chin while Rias's mouth dropped to the ground, she really couldn't believe that he would chose some stupid tickets for some unhealthy food over her.




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