Sleep Deprived

The door to the Captain's quarters opens. Anzyl, utterly exhausted, stumbles into his quarters. "Computer… lights…" he muttered. Lights illuminated the room as he unbuttoned his uniform and meandered into the shower room. His cheeks ached from a day of forcing a smile, his voice hurt from talking unceasingly, and his feet pulsed with pain as if he had walked dozens of kilometers that day. His brain was fogged and fried from endless seminars. All he wanted was to wash and go to bed, knowing that the next day held the same exhausting routine.

After the shower, Anzyl crawled into bed. "Computer… lights..." The quarters darkened as he closed his eyes, attempting to sleep.

In Sickbay, several decks below the captain's quarters, in a small alcove the size of a broom closet, Two of Three stood up straight, his head stuck to a sparking and sputtering blue Borg regenerator. His eyes were shut tight as he was deep in the middle of his regenerative cycle (Borg sleep). Shaking his head like he was having a nightmare, his eyes shot open wide, terror flooding his usually collected demeanor. An endless call of trillions rang out. "They're here…!" His voice filled with panic and dread as he sensed the Borg Collective reaching out to him.

Anzyl lay in his bed, repeating "sleep… sleep… sleep" as part of his nightly routine to clear his mind and invoke the powers of sleep. He had been in his bed no more than three minutes when his combadge rang. "Two of Three to the Captain!" his voice almost yelling.

Slapping his face, not believing the words he was hearing, Anzyl slowly spoke back, "What?..."

"I don't mean to wake you, sir… but I sense the Borg in our vicinity." Two declared.

"...Of course you do, T," Anzyl stated, annoyed with this late interruption, "we have 22 liberated Borg on this vessel…"

"No, Captain. I know we have 22 members of the Cooperative on board," T explained. "I am sensing the call of the Borg Collective in the flotilla and nearby vicinity."

Anzyl immediately sat up, very much awake.

A flash of white illuminated sickbay, and the Captain materialized in his tank top and pajama shorts. "What do you mean the Borg Collective is nearby?" 

Two of Three, typically calm and collected, now moved with a sense of urgency. "I don't know exactly where they are, how many, or why they are here!" he almost shouted, typing and scanning the decks frantically. "All I can say is that there ARE Borg nearby. They must be masking themselves, or are just too small to pick up on internal sensors." He scanned deck by deck, room by room, as fast as his mechanical cyborg fingers could type.

Outside, in the cold void of space, on the forward dorsal of the saucer section of the Nexus, where the scorch once resided, a growing and shifting mechanical structure was being erected. Raven-black metal with eerie green light flickering as it expanded. Two humanoids worked on it steadily, wearing white exo space suits with black tubes intertwining the suits. The structure resembled a claw, reaching and stretching out from the hull, as a small Pakled vessel adorned with black spikes and peculiar green lights slowly floated towards both the structure and the Nexus.