Siren's Sigh

On the Nexus bridge, the tension crackled between Eroga and Jaidaa. The Nexus bridge crew bound and cuffed on their knees. The Klingon woman, let out a raucous laugh, her amusement echoing across the bridge. 

"And What do you find so funny, pray tell?" Jaidaa pranced towards her, unamused by her outburst. 

"Only the Captain can unlock it!" she laughed ,"And you Killed him! Ahahah" she roared with ironic laughter, "You now have several a megaton… paper weight!" 

"He is NOT dead!" Jaidaa snapped, "He's just… in a slight… coma…" she shuffled uncomfortably, realizing her situation. Her simple but effective heist had not gone entirely as planned. 

"Then what DID you do to the Captain and the crew… And why are you, I, and the others on the bridge fine?" Eroga demanded, her musings ending suddenly upon her realization.

"It's called 'Siren's Kiss'," Jaidaa explained, puckering her lips to blow a kiss, "A rather effective neurotoxin that targets neural cells containing a Y Chromosome, AKA It only affects men. Sends them into a deep dark sleep, bordering a coma. Easily made airborne, and quite the perfect weapon for an All Female crew to wield," Jaidaa winked, "Simply release the toxin, and all the males on board are helplessly in a coma. And fortunately for us the Nexus, the vast majority of the 'Security team' are all Male Jem'Hadar, meaning most, if not all, of your defense forces are fast asleep." Jaidaa grinned ear to ear, "And I know exactly where your dear captain is at this very moment, passed out at the table in the Melting Pot. A simple dose or the antidote will make him right as rain!" He held a small blue vial in her hands. 

"You are implying that the captain unlocks the ship once he is awake." Eroga replied, "Not to mention how many women on board are still fully awake and able to retake the ship. Nexus is not all peaceful loving Starfleet officers." Eroga grinned, bearing her Klingon sharpened fangs and teeth. 

"She makes a good point…" Jaidaa acknowledged Eroga's logic, "Do a scan of the vessel and see how many are still up and active, and where." she commanded her hacker. 

"HOW?!" the Ferengi replied, almost yelling, "Every system is still locked out! Including…. Everything!" she yelled, throwing her hands up in frustration. 

"Then have Liberia's Grace perform the scans!" Jaidaa roared in frustration, "Deck by deck, room by room if you need to! I want to know how many are up and active, and how many are passed out asleep!" 

Eroga laughed out loud, "Hah! You did not plan this heist so well did you Orion!?" 

"Shut it Klingon!" Jaidaa retorted, "I still have command of this vessel, and you and the 'Bridge Crew' are bound in fetters. From where I am standing, I am in Control!" 

"Maam," a fellow Andorian pirate said, "We have readings coming in from Libera's Grace, It seems that 2,423 are still fully active and awake on the Nexus!" 

"Over two thousand!? I thought you said men outnumbered women four to one! That way more than four to one!" 

"More like half." Eroga corrected smugly. 

"Where are they located!?" Jaidaa yelled back to her crew. 

"All over the ship, scattered throughout. Every deck, every section, every room!" The Andorian replied back frantically. 

"And remember Orion… not all are peace loving Starfleet." 

"How did that many make it through the toxin sweep!?" Jaidaa roared back. 

Eroga grinned again, elucidating to herself, "Not to mention those species that don't even have Y Chromosomes in their DNA Structure… or X Chromosomes… or DNA at all… or lungs to breathe in the toxin in the first place." she thought out loud. 

"I have had just about ENOUGH of you Klingon!" Jaidaa yelled back, pointing her disruptor pistol right at Eroga, "What is your name anyways Klingon? I don't remember meeting you the last time I was aboard." 

Eroga glared at Jaidaa dead in her eyes, "Eroga, daughter of Drex, of House Martok."