Oh, Still acting oblivious, I see. Then Let me help you!

"Ah, Senior Sister Shiyue, What brings you here this late at night" Ashen asked with a polite smile after opening the doors of his house.

Shiyue had her plan ready, therefore, she answered with a confident voice: "I need to talk to you, Let's talk inside"

"Oh Sure sure!" Ashen nodded before inviting her inside.

He took her to his bedroom instead of talking in the hall and finding it weird, Shiyue questioned:

"Why have we come to your bedroom? Wouldn't the hall be a more suitable place to talk?"

Ashen took his time as he sat comfortably on the bed before answering with a smile:

"You see, this is my sleeping time and I am tired right now. I want to sleep right away after we are done talking. I hope you will understand Senior Sister Shiyue"

Shiyue nodded in understanding, She couldn't retort as she was the one visiting him this late at night. Also, this was great for her as this would make the medicine work faster.