"Did you just cum?"

"T-Then let's do it brother Ashen, We don't have much time"

"Are you really okay with that?"

Veli nodded with a smile, answering: "Yes, when you can put your life on the line to save me, Can't I do this much for you?"

Ashen nodded with an expression as if he had no other choice, however, on the inside, he had a mischievous smile, musing to himself: "Got you my prey!"

Then, Fixing his gaze at Veli, he said with a smile: "Wait a minute Sister Veli, I have a bed in my space ring. It wouldn't be appropriate to do it on this dirty ground"

Hearing this Veli's eyes widened in surprise as she asked in a loud voice: "What? Didn't they confiscate your space ring?"

Ashen just smiled in response, moving his hand inside his long hair before taking out a beautiful ring from it. It was hidden inside his long raven black hair.