
The lonely dark room, Xuin City's Mo Branch family,

Mo Fan's eyes opened as he found a dagger floating in front of him.

"What are you doing outside, I didn't call you!" Mo Fan groaned before getting up.

He was talking to the dagger or more specifically, his spirit.

This was his 2-star spirit. It looked like a normal dagger, however, its handle was what made it different.

This dagger had a handle of twice the length of the blade of the dagger.

The handle was obsidian black with a dragon carved on it, however, what differed was the fact that this dragon had no scales on its body.

Mo Fan looked at his spirit, however, was astonished to find out that the dragon on the handle now had one of the scales that he didn't have before.

"Huh? I remember that there was no scale on the dragon before, so how now?" He questioned internally, however soon was disrupted by the sound of the door opening.