I Want, YOU!!

Sect Master's Chambers, Vine Bull Sect, Xuin City,

"Sect Master, can you entertain this small request of mine?

I want Ling Yun to be released from her imprisonment and be allowed to accompany me to the Phoenix Feather Sect."

Ashen informed of his intentions and the request that he had come to make.

The Sect Master's eyes widened upon hearing this as he asked:

"Y-Young Master, Do you know this girl?

Have we imprisoned someone important to you?"

Ashen shook his head in response, replying with a smile:

"No No, It isn't like that, Sect master.

She is the lover of one of my Friends.

You may know him, His name is Mo Fan"

Hearing Mo Fan's name, a smile appeared on the Sect Master's face as he nodded in appreciation:

"Ah, Mo Fan.

Indeed, I know him.

He was the young master of the Mo Family just some weeks ago,

Alas, Destiny sure is unpredictable."