W-What? Why didn't I die?

"W-What? Ling Yun is not in Vine Bull Sect and has been taken by the young master of the Phoenix Feather Sect?" Mo Fan asked with eyes wide in shock. 

He was standing in front of the second Elder of the Vine Bull Sect who informed him of this news just now.

Mo Fan and even the second elder were unaware that this young master was Ashen himself.

"For what reason did this young master take her? and why didn't the sect do something? Is the Vine Bull Sect so weak?" Mo Fan expressed his frustration in the form of questions at the second Elder.

He was worried... worried about his Ling Yun's safety. First, she was imprisoned without any fault by Bi Chi and now, someone just took her with them.

What was going on? He just wanted a peaceful life but his destiny was playing with him from time to time.

Little did he know that this was all doing of the world's will. It couldn't let him have a peaceful life.