May I come in?

"Become my maid and Live here with me!"

"Huh?" Shiyue's mother's eyes widened as she expressed her shock. What was this man even saying, A woman of Bi family becoming someone's maid? Impossible!

"Ah, don't misunderstand mam. You just have to pretend to be my maid and the sect will allow you to live here!" Ashen clarified, smiling brightly at her.

"Live here? You mean my daughters and I would have to live here with you?" Shiyue's mother asked with a frown.

How could she let her daughters live in a man's house?

"Of course, isn't that a small price to pay to live with your daughters?" Ashen asked with a smile.

Shiyue's mother looked at Shiyue as she asked: "Shiyue, is this your idea my daughter?"

Hearing her mother's question, Shiyue wanted to make her mother reject the idea and just return.

She didn't desire for her mother to live in this lion's den.