Am I going to die today?

"You are right, Young Master Ashen!" Lo Pu said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I knew you'd understand, Elder Lo Pu" Ashen laughed in satisfaction before glancing at the suffering Mo Fan. "Now let me see who will save you!" Ashen sneered in his mind.

Mo Fan was in a pickle, getting struck on his legs over and over. It was only because of the supreme cultivation skill that he had learned that he was able to still keep standing even after their strong assault.

Though the warm current inside him was flowing, helping his body to keep standing sturdy, but, he knew that he wouldn't last any longer.

He had questions and he was roaring them in his mind: "Who are these men and why are they attacking me? Why isn't anyone stopping them? Can't anyone see this? Do I have to suffer injustice again? Am I going to get eliminated like this?"