

Crack! Crack! Crack!


Like this, the barrier shattered.

Han Wuji's vision was covered by the explosion for a while before his gaze fell on the dead body of his grandson.

"Yujin!!!!!!!" He let out a cry of grief upon his grandson's death before flying into a state of rage.

"You bastard, I was respectful to you till the last moment, but you didn't like that. Now, you are yourself to blame for your upcoming death."

Soon, Ashen felt a mountain of pressure on his shoulders.

Before, It was the barrier that was preventing the emperor's pressure from affecting anyone in the arena.

Han Wuji, pressing down with his hand, focused his pressure only on Ashen.

"Today I'll squeeze you to death. That'll be a suitable end for you, hahaha"

Han Wuji laughed as he continuously increased the pressure on Ashen.


Ashen fell to one knee as he coughed out a mouthful of blood.