"So does this mean the ninth prince is officially the third choice to look forward to in this succession fight?" A man asked, obviously understanding the meaning of the Shang clan's announcement.
"Obviously, with the Shang Clan supporting him and taking into account his legendary spirit, I think many powers of the empire would join the Ninth Prince's faction." The man beside him replied confidently.
"Heh~" A fat man smirked mockingly at his words, refuting: "Do you think this is enough? Haven't you heard of what happened in the previous generation's succession war? The most talented prince was the first to be assassinated."
"Wasn't he also supported by the Shang Clan? Wasn't he the nephew of the dragon emperor? Even then he was assassinated! Don't you think the ninth prince is in a similar situation? It won't be surprising if he is assassinated too. "