Old Friends, New Enemies?

I ended up falling asleep rather quickly, but it was not a peaceful rest. A dream came to me, of my past. Of...right before it...happened.

My mom and dad were discussing me, once again, in the Living Room. I was in the Kitchen, finishing up dishes. I was younger, and...not who I am now.

"But how are you going to get this surgery done? She's not even 18 yet." Mom was worried, thinking a mere parental consent form wouldn't be enough to get the insurance company to fund it.

"Don't worry about it!" My dad shot back, clearly irritated. He had that tic in his right eye, which he got when he was trying to hide something from me or Mom.

"But I AM worried about it, Henkutsuna! How are we-"

"Shitateya, that's enough," my dad cut her off, before his facial expression changed.

"Actually, you really wanna know? Fine, I'll tell you, but keep...your mouth...shut!"

My mom nodded in silence.

"Fine. You know those three men I've been speaking with lately? Sharp suits, tattooed, always speaking about money?"

My mom nodded again.

Dad took a deep breath. "They're...Yakuza."

"What?! What are you thinking?!" My mom shouted at him.

Dad put a hand up. "I'm not finished yet. They have connections to a well-reputed surgical center, but it's in San Francisco, California."

My mom's eyes went wide again. "In America? The United States?"

Dad nodded. "One of the surgeons there is a member of their organization. They have agreed to transport us to their surgical center, get this stupid operation she wants, and transport us back home."

"In exchange..." Dad trailed off. "I had to do some...favors for them first. I'd rather not talk about it, but I didn't harm or kill anyone."

I finished up the dishes, walked into the room and, against my better judgement, spoke up.

"If you think this is stupid, then why are you still doing this for me? I mean...I appreciate it, but...I...don't understand."

Dad looked over at me, annoyed. "Because I'd rather have an actual boy, rather than a girl who pretends daily to be a boy. That's simply disgraceful for me, and for this family. So if this is the closest I can get to having a REAL boy, then so be it. There, happy?"

I felt a rock form in my stomach. My face felt flush, and my eyes dropped to the floor. I heard my mom say something, and my dad respond, but I was too stunned to comprehend any of it.

"Wake up, everyone! It's 7am, and Nighttime is now over! Time to enjoy another fun-filled day at The Ultimate Talent Enhancement Center!" Monorakun's face and voice woke me up from the dream. I stretched in bed and yawned, then slowly dragged myself out of bed and headed for the shower. Going through my playlist, I settled on "My Funeral" by Dark Funeral, put it on repeat, and showered up, singing happily along to the song blaring from my E-Handbook.

After finishing my shower, drying up, and brushing my hair to the left (as I always do), I got dressed. I put on a new black hakama and black socks, a blue T-shirt, and grabbed my dark blue jacket. I considered checking the Group Chat, but decided to look at it later, heading to the Dining Hall instead.

I sat down between Mukuro and Kaede, and across from Leon, with my strawberry bagels with cream cheese and some chocolate milk. Kaede and Leon each had breakfast sandwiches of some sort, while Mukuro was eating...

Wait, what WAS that?

"Military rations," she answered when I asked her. "I'm more used to these than I am the food here." She had barely even looked up when she answered.

I looked again at the black wolf tattoo on the back of her right hand. What was that, and what did it mean? Now was not the time to ask, though. Meanwhile, Kaede and Leon were already having a conversation about music, so I decided to just eat my breakfast and head back to my dorm.

I started working on some vest designs, both for men and women, when I heard my doorbell go off. Not expecting company, I curiously walked over and gazed through my peephole at...

Mukuro? The Ultimate Soldier?

What did she want with me? Did I upset her with my question about her choice of breakfast? A chill went through me, but I took a deep breath and opened the door, surprise obvious on my face.

"M-Mukuro? What's wr-wr-wrong?" I stammered, unsure what was about to happen to me.

Mukuro looked at me strangely, then answered. "You're the Ultimate Tailor, right?"

"Y...yeah? Why?"

Mukuro glanced down the hallway. "Could I borrow you for a moment? One of my zippers came off of my tote bag, and I don't want to break it."

I nodded. "A popped-off zipper shouldn't be too much trouble for me. Lemme grab my kit, and I'll follow you."

I grabbed my sewing kit, which also had some repair tools, and followed Mukuro to her dorm room. Scanning her E-Handbook, she let me in.

Her room had two beds. One of them had camo sheets and pillowcases, and the other was plain white. The tote bag was on the white bag, the zipper next to it.

I initially tried adjusting the teeth on the bag, but they wouldn't budge an inch, so I turned my attention to the track slider itself.

I pulled out a thin pair of needlenose pliers, and gently opened each side of the slider, just enough for the teeth to slide in. I then carefully inserted the slider between the teeth on each side. Grabbing my shorter, thicker pliers, I slowly closed each side of the slider, not so much that it wouldn't move, but enough to secure it on the zipper.

I stepped back and looked at Mukuro. "Try it now. Open and close it a few times."

Mukuro approached her bag and zipped it open and shut a few times. The zipper was now doing what it should.

"Thanks, Bera. I haven't needed help from anyone since..."

Mukuro suddenly trailed off, staring straight down.

"Since what?" I asked, unsure if Mukuro would answer me.

Mukuro took a deep breath, pondering something in her mind. After careful consideration, she returned her attention to me, her voice suddenly low and threatening.

"What I tell you does not leave this room. Understood?" She had a severely stern look on her face, which was honestly scaring me.

I swallowed hard, trying to hide my fear, and nodded. "O...ok."

Mukuro closed her eyes and nodded, gesturing for me to sit down. I did so, and I just let her talk.

"Several years ago, my sister Junko and I were plotting the overthrow of the world as we knew it. We had the pieces we needed in place, we had the resources to make it happen, and Junko had the charisma to make anyone want to follow her. All we needed was the right time to strike, and the right person to give that order.

"Junko had decided that person was someone she knew from her past: Izuru Kamukura. However, Izuru was never one to be found easily. It took us several months to finally track him down. Finally, the three of us agreed to meet, face-to-face, on the roof of the original Hope's Peak Academy."

Against my better judgement, I interrupted her. "Wait. The original one? You mean-"

"Yes, the original one, not the one we're trapped in now. This building was constructed differently, but named after the original. But enough on that.

"Anyway, Junko told Izuru all about our plans to plunge the world into despair, but Izuru said our plan was illogical to him. Junko told him that logic didn't matter to her. Izuru responded by asking why the both of us would place ourselves in a position with no possibility of true victory, to which Junko answered that she was bored with the world, and that only despair would cure her boredom."

Mukuro's hand began shaking, and tears slowly welled up in her eyes. "Junko then pointed out that both her and Izuru had super analytical powers, and that together, they could spread despair all over the world. She then asked Izuru to join him."

Mukuro wiped her eyes, her breathing becoming labored. "Izuru...responded by...rushing up to Junko...grabbing her by...the throat. He spoke one...word. 'Boring'. Then..."

Mukuro clenched her jaw and eyes shut, trying to keep her emotions in check. I just sat there silently. After a few moments, she was able to regain her composure.

"Then...Izuru...snapped my sister's neck. With one...hand. And tossed her...from the roof. I...I wasn't...fast enough...to save my own sister!"

A chill went through me. Mukuro watched her own sister's murder? I couldn't even imagine.

Mukuro continued. "I opened fire on Izuru, but he dodged every one of my shots. I chased him in and out of towns, through forested areas, and even across a river, but I..." Mukuro shook her head. "I never could kill him. My sister is dead, and I failed to avenge her."

Suddenly, Mukuro seemed to...smile to herself? I didn't understand why.

"Junko must be filled with such despair over her death, and my failure..." Mukuro trailed off, but her smile didn't. Indeed, it seemed to be spreading across her face.

I decided this would be a good time to leave. "I'm gonna head to the Movie Room, see what's playing. I'll see you later, Mukuro."

Mukuro didn't respond, so I let myself out, trying not to think about what just happened. No, I needed something to take my mind off of that, and the Movie Room was the perfect place to go!

Glancing at my E-Handbook, it was 10:45am, so maybe something lighthearted was playing. No one had said much of interest in the Group Chat, and I had no Messages.

Arriving at the empty Movie Room, I saw that a cartoon movie, "Crashing the Bandicoots" would be on at 11am. I got some root beer from the soda fountain, grabbed some caramel popcorn, and had a seat.

At 11am sharp, the Movie Room door closed itself. Surprised, I looked back at the door...

And realized I was no longer alone.