Sword Team

After hearing Garp's strange point of view, Sengoku and Tsuru both pondered for a moment.

This grounded statement may sound reasonable, but it also feels like a strange fallacy.

Moreover, the original intention of creating the Shichibukai from the beginning was to summon seven powerful pirates to deal with the Yonkōs together.

And also use their help to eliminate the pirate groups that keep increasing since the era of pirates was started.

While the Shichibukai enjoyed legal plundering rights, they also had to work. Every year they had to kill some pirate groups as a routine task.

When Crocodile was the hero of the kingdom in Alabasta, he wiped out many pirate groups.

The Florian Triangle where Gekko Moria is located has also caused many pirates to get lost, and a large number of pirates have become Moria's zombies or shadow providers.

The pirate groups that cause trouble in Dressrosa will not only be turned into toys, but the remaining pirates will also be used by Doflamingo to do business.

Even Mihawk, when sailing around, would kill the pirates he encountered, just to fulfill his small target or relieve his boredom.


"In this case, let Basire first wipe out all the pirate groups affiliated with Golden Lion Shiki, and then give him some information."

"Or let him exchange the information he wants using the pirates as payment. The information about the new pirates in the four seas can be given in batches. In short, it cannot be given unconditionally!"

Sengoku thought about it again and said, Garp is right, there are many newcomers from all over the world, there are not many pirates who are willing to be inferior to others.

Most of them will probably be killed by Basire, and the Big Daddy Pirates will be able to recruit at most a small number of pirates.

Overall, there should be more pirate groups destroyed by Basire than recruited.

If the Big Daddy Pirates develop too fast, the Marine will also take action to suppress them. Anyway, they will not let them develop into the fifth Emperor of the Sea.

Even Doflamingo who also has Conqueror's Haki, with his clever mind and development for more than ten years, has not yet become an emperor.

Sengoku also doesn't believe that Basire can surpass the Donquixote Family in just a few years of development.

Kaido of the Beasts and red-haired Shanks both developed for more than ten years. Only when they were in their thirties or forties were they qualified to become emperors of the sea.

As long as the Big Daddy Pirates are still developing in the Grand Line, even if Basire is given three to five years to develop, they will not pose any threat to Naval Headquarters.

Maybe sending a Marine Admiral would be enough to wipe out the Big Daddy Pirates.

"Then let them encircle and suppress the remaining pirate leaders of the Golden Lion Fleet. Every time they capture five pirate groups, they can exchange for most of the information on one of the four seas and after they capture the remaining twenty or so pirate groups. We can give him information about the Four Seas and the Grand Line. We must also pay the bounty for those pirates to appease Basire."

Vice Admiral Tsuru said softly, although intuitively she didn't want to do this, she felt that Basire was no worse than Doflamingo in terms of evil, but rationally, this choice was undoubtedly the best.

In doing so, Basire was not angered, nor did he gain access to the Marine's information, and he would also be forced to do his work.

"Then so be it"

Sengoku made the final decision. Anyway, even a man like Doflamingo can be suppressed, and he is not afraid of the development of a brat like Basire.

"By the way, Tsuru, how is the SWORD team formation going?"

Sengoku suddenly asked in a low voice, some time ago they established a team that both belonged to the Marine and did not belong to them.

These members of the SWORD team are Marines who have returned the Marine codename, and can directly attack the forces of the Four Emperors without going through orders from Naval Headquarters and World Government.

The Marine will not be responsible for any actions of the SWORD team. This is a completely free special force. Even if they attack the Shichibukai, Naval Headquarters and the World government cannot control them.

"The first batch of members includes X Drake, Prince Grus, and Kujaku, and the leader is determined to be X Drake."

Tsuru also showed a little helplessness, because her granddaughter Kujaku has also joined this special team with no rules.

"Okay, Tsuru. When my grandson becomes a Marine, let him join this team. I think he will like being a powerful Marine who doesn't have to follow the rules!"

After hearing that Tsuru's granddaughter had joined the SWORD team, Garp immediately spoke excitedly.

This way his grandson can become teammates with Tsuru's granddaughter.

Tsuru ignored Garp's yelling. Fortunately, this was the Fleet Admiral's office. Otherwise, these secrets that had not yet been made public would have been exposed by Garp, who doesn't know how to speak quietly.

"After some discussions, Captain X Drake plans to betray the Marine and go undercover under the Yonkōs!"

Tsuru covered her head and said, not long after the SWORD team was established, the captain wanted to go out and wander.

Sure enough, after there were no rules, these young people began to have wild ideas.

Drake can also be regarded as half student and half adopted son of hera. Their relationship is not much worse than that of Sengoku and his adopted son Rosinante.

During the battle to rob the Op-Op Fruit and ambush Doflamingo, she rescued Drake and had him stay with her to train him.

Drake and her granddaughter Kujaku are like brother and sister, with a close relationship.

There is also Momousagi Gion. In short, the people around Vice Admiral Tsuru, under her education, can support each other and grow up, and their relationship is very harmonious.

"Has Drake really made his decision?"

Sengoku said solemnly, because betraying the Marine would mean enduring endless infamy and pressure, and would even be attacked by other Marine generals. This also reminded him of his dead adopted son.

"He's all ready to go to sea!"

Tsuru sighed and said with a little worry in her tone, thinking of Sengoku's adopted son Rosinante, who was undercover by Doflamingo's side and finally paid with his life.

Beaten to death by his own brother Doflamingo.

When they found Rosinante, codenamed Corazon, his body had more than a dozen musket holes, which was very tragic.

Now Drake plans to work undercover for one of the Yonkōs. If he is exposed, his death may be more tragic than Rosinante's.

Especially Big Mom Charlotte Linlin and Kaido of the Beasts, who are both infamous for their cruelty.

"The students I train in the future and my grandchildren will also join this SWORD team!"

Garp's heartless gags broke up a bit of the solemn atmosphere of Sengoku and Tsuru.

Now that Drake is ready to defect from the Marine and become a pirate, they don't intend to force him to give up this undercover plan.

Moreover, they had placed undercover agents among the forces of the Yonkōs, but none of those secret spies had their identities exposed.

Now that Drake has betrayed the Marine as a Rear Admiral, they don't know if one of the Yonkōs will accept this very suspicious traitor.

Therefore, Drake's undercover trip is actually very dangerous.

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