Chapter 4

Yoonjin gently got out of the car,with Chaeyoung clinging to him cause she felt hot.

"I'll go park the car". Lucas said with a small smile as he watched the scene in front of him,he haven't seen Yoonjin looking stressed out like he was.

Yoonjin nodded and entered the mansion.

Yoonjin walked straight to his room feeling exhausted for holding his sex desire for too long.

He gently sat on the bed and unclasped her leg which was round his waist,he lay her down on the bed but she pulled him to herself.

Yoonjin quickly placed his hand beside her head to avoid falling on her, he shut his eyes tight since one more look at her lips would end him.

Chaeyoung kept breathing heavily with eyes slightly closed as she continually turned it side by side.

"I want you". She moaned in a low tone, slowly tracing her hand to his broad chest. Yoonjin couldn't control himself any longer and held her two hands with one of his broad palm, with the other he caressed her face and captured her lips.

Chaeyoung hand on his neck tightened as she tried to keep up with his pace. Her hand slowly went to his sleeve as she loosed his buttons.

Yoonjin quickly held her hand as he felt her hand going towards his pants.

"You don't want to do that, Chaeyoung". He said in a low husky voice in her ear as he bite it.

"Hmmm". Chaeyoung subconsciously moaned.

Yoonjin felt his body yearning more for her anytime she moaned.

He quickly got down from the bed to get her water.

He placed the glass close to her mouth as she drank the entire content. Yoonjin kept the glass on the table as he grabbed his phone. He dialed a number and placed the phone on his ear.

" Seojun, where you at?". Yoonjin asked as soon as the call connected.

"Yea, good evening and I'm fine thank you". Seojun said mockingly from the other line, as he made an eye roll.

"I'm currently out of town for a conference, why?".

"A person i happened to meet coincidentally got drugged, I think with some cheap sex drive drug and now she's crazy for sex". Yoonjin explained while looking at the figure who was laying on the bad, tightly gripping the sheets with eyes closed and breathing loudly.

"Are you with Chaeyoung?". Seojun half screamed.

Yoonjin shut his eyes tightly as he tried hard not to punch Seojun through the phone.

"Your silence is like death,I'm sorry". Seojun kept quiet for a few seconds before finally speaking.

"The antidote is you, you have to give her what she want". Seojun said while yawning.

"Is there some other way to do this?".

"Wait…..,don't tell me you can't". Seojun said bursting in to a heavy laugh but didn't get any reaction from Yoonjin.

"Ok just give her some water, but what she actually need's you, so just make her close to you'.

"Hmmm". Yoonjin said and ended the call.


A glint passed Seojun's eyes as a sinister smile appeared on his face.

"I have no fucking idea if that shit is going to work". He took a pack of snickers and bite it. "We don't want to loose this opportunity in seeing Yoonjin cuddling a girl".

"Is daddy Jin here?". He heard a little voice asked from behind. Seojun quickly turned around, to find a cute little girl with two piggy tails.

She had a pink teddy on her hand as she tilted her head slightly which made her more cute.

Seojun smiled while bending to her level, he patted her head lightly.

"No daddy Jin ain't here Hana,but I think daddy Jin's is getting you a brother and mummy". Hana face brightened which caused her round eyes, widened.


Seojun nodded while her watched the little Hana happily ran round the house.


Yoonjin stared are Chaeyoung who was looking uncomfortable as she kept tilting her head side by side.

He pinched the space between his brows while heaving a deep breath.

He goes close to her and gently slide his hand on her waist as he pulled her close to him.

Chaeyoung who felt the person pulling her seemed cold, wrapped her hand round him and drew nearer to him.

He gently stroked her hair.

After few minutes he felt she was getting calm as her breathing became light.

He looked down at her face and realized she was asleep but still held him tight, as if when she let go he'll disappear.

Yoonjin smiled at her childish behavior and continued stroking her soft and silky brown hair.

In the morning, Chaeyoung yawned with her eyes still closed.

"Fuck, did I drink too much?". She muttered as she placed her hand on her head as she rubbed it.

"You shouldn't curse early in the morning". She heard a low husky voice said. Her eyes suddenly opened and her jaw dropped when she realized was leaning on someone,with her hand on his bare chest while his on her waist as he pulled her close to himself.

She quickly used her hand and pushed his chest, as she she escaped from this tight hug. She quickly moved the duvet and got off the bed.

"Who…Who are you?". She asked nervously.

Yoonjin froze as he thought for a moment. "You don't know me?". He asked as a small smirk appeared on his lips.

"Uhhh?". Chaeyoung brows squeezed as she gazed intensely at him, trying to remember where she had seen him, but nothing came to her head which hurt a little. Chaeyoung sigh as she shook her head, she pointed at Yoonjin as she gave him a fierce look.

"Hey, did you take advantage of me while I was drunk?".

Yoonjin raised a brow at her as he kept mute. He thought for a second as a small smile appeared on his lips again.

Chaeyoung heart skipped a bit as she watch the fine man who was lying with his side with his hand supporting his head wearing a sleeve but the buttons were loosed, revealing his smooth hard chest.

The view looked so breathtaking that she couldn't take her eyes off him.

"I guess you wanna take advantage of me again". Yoonjin said as he slowly got down from the bed heading towards her.

Chaeyoung watched as he watched him walked majestically towards her, but she was seeing him do so in slow motion.

She felt him got closer to her as he pulled her waist bringing her close to him.

She felt his soft breathing beside her ear and she closed her eyes due to the sensation she felt.

If it were other men she would have kicked their betweens but now with this guy she felt her body stiffened.

"You like what you see?". She heard him say in a husky voice.

Chaeyoung eyes widened as she felt tones of memories flooded her head, including those with the angelic devil in front of her.
