Chapter 18

Hearing the sound of the alarm from the bed stand, Chaeyoung forced her eyes open and groaned.

She turned it off and stretched trying to shake the grogginess off.

She had a lot of work to do at the office, since she had been absent for a while.

She rubbed her eyes and took her phone from the bed stand, and checked the time.


She stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

As she turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up, she brushed her teeth.

When the water was warm enough she took off her dress and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water cascade over her body.

She stepped out of the steamed fill shower, with a towel tied round her chest and another, she dried her hair with.

She walked to the dressing room and picked a nude body fitted short sleeved shirt, a black jacket and black office pants.

She kept the clothes on the bed and walked to the dressing mirror.

She sat in front of the mirror and did a little bit of makeover on her face as well as styling her hair.

She wore her clothes and her heels before heading downstairs.

She checked the time and realized it was already 7, she quickly made herself tea, which she drank in a haste as she stepped out the house.

She soon got the office and drove to the underground garage, parking the car.

She got down and went through her private elevator.


She heard the sound of it opening and got out.

She walked briskly into her office with her heels clicking on the floor.

Despite the early hours she looked energized.

Her employees looked up from their desk as she walked past.

'Good morning, mam'. The secretary greeted, Chaeyoung gave her a small smile followed by a nod as she entered her office.

She took of the jacket and hung it on the clothes rack.

She sighed and sat on her chair.

She rubbed her forehead gently as she was feeling some slight pain in her head.

She opened her bag and brought out her phone, she dialed Yena's number which connected almost immediately.

'Good morning..' She heard Yena's soft voice from the other line.

She smiled.

'Good morning, please can you get me hot coffee'. She said.

'You haven't had breakfast, have you?'. Yena asked, concerned about Chaeyoung's health.

Chaeyoung is the type of girl who would not eat breakfast especially when she was going to work, rather ask for coffee.

'I'm getting you breakfast too'. Yena ended the call and Chaeyoung chuckled upon her nagging behavior.

She dropped her phone on the table and started working on her computer.

Few minutes late, she heard a knock on the door, it opened revealing Yena, holding her coffee as well as a bag, which contained breakfast for Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung smiled as Yena entered the office.

'Chae, you should stop starving yourself..' Yena warns as she handed over the coffee to Chaeyoung.

'Yes, I know you have a lot of work to do, and that is more reason you should eat something before coming to work'.

Yena arranged the food on a small coffee table while Chaeyoung watched her with as she drank her coffee.

'It's ready, mam'. Yena said and Chaeyoung chuckled and headed to the table, she sat on the chair and began eating.

Yena and her had been friends since high school and she got to be her personal assistant.

Yena comes from a poor background, living with her single mother and younger brother, she is the breadwinner of her family but yet didn't have any complaints.

'I'm having dinner with Yoonjin by 5, can you give me a reminder before then?'. Chaeyoung said as she ate.

'Yoonjin…?'. Yena asked confused.

Chaeyoung remembered she had not told Yena what happened between her and Elvis.

She explained everything that happened to Yena who was left dumbfounded as she stared blankly at Chaeyoung.

'That bitch didn't..' Yena snapped.

'So you're going to be with his cousin just got revenge?'. Yena asked.

Chaeyoung stayed silent and continued eating her food.

Her mind suddenly went back to what happened the previous night and a light blush appeared on her face.

'Why are you red?'. Yena asked with her brows slightly raised.

Chaeyoung shook her head and cleared her throat.

'I have a meeting today right?'. She asked, changing the conversation to avoid tons of questions being thrown at her.

'Yes, at noon'. Yena stood up from the chair.

'I should go now'. She said, earning a nod from Chaeyoung, she left the office.