Chapter 20

'Nari are you ready?'. Elvis asked as he enter the room.

'Almost done babe..'She said while she wore her earrings.

Elvis stood at the door as he watched her, with a small smile on his face, he couldn't seem to take his eyes off the angel in front of him.

Nari wore a sleeveless jumpsuit and had her long healthy brown hair, fall down her shoulders, she had little makeup on to accentuate her already beautiful face.

Nari noticed Elvis eyes on her and turned around to look at him.

'What..?' She asked as she took her bag from the bed and walked to him, holding his hands as they locked eye contact.

'You look beautiful..' He said causing a light blush appear on her cheek.

Elvis leaned forward for a kiss, but she quickly held his back, to stop him.

'That could ruin my make-up'. She said and pecked him on his lips as a form of an apology.

Elvis pouted and looked at Nari.

'Fine, but promise you'll let me have you when we come back'.

Nari rolled her eyes and chuckled.

'It's not like I have a choice..' She said as they walked downstairs.

They got outside the mansion and saw the driver waiting for them, they entered the car.

'You got the gift for him right?'. Elvis asked.

'Hmm, I did but why would someone be so obsessed with fountain pens?'. She asked as it was something weird to her.

Elvis chuckled and shrugged, he didn't know why his grandfather was obsessed with it, but he still had to get it for him.

'One more thing babe, do not overdo anything, just be you, the oldman can easily tell when someone is faking'. He warned, but only heard Nari laughing.

'Elvis, I'm an actress, remember?'.

She didn't know why Elvis would think she couldn't fool his grandfather with a nice and loving granddaughter in-law act, she had done it to so many people a lot of times, and she did not think his grandfather would be any different.

'I love you babe'. Elvis suddenly said and locked his hand on hers, staring deep into her eyes.

Nari blushed for the second time.

'I love you too'.

She couldn't believe her dream man, would be staring at her, with a lot of emotions in his eyes and voice.

No matter, the amount of times she wakes up with him beside her, she felt like it was a dream.

She however keeps wondering how she managed to have him to be hers only.

They soon got to the restaurant and went inside, welcomed by the manager.

He took them to a private room, which was as big as a hall.

As they stepped in, they could feel the cold air on their skin.

Nari hands on Elvis tightened, seeing the Parks, seated on the table.

Their cold and domineering aura caused her lips shut and eyes wide open.

She didn't know why she suddenly felt nervous, even with Elvis by her side.

They walked slowly towards the table, and she could feel their hot gaze on her.

'Grandfather..' Elvis greeted.

She quickly raised her head, seeing the oldman in front of her.

He knees immediately became numb, she quickly bowed her head as she couldn't stand staring at the old man in the eyes for 2 seconds.

'You must be Nari'. She heard him say.

She didn't know why she was nervous at the same time scared, this has never happened to her, for the past years and suddenly, because of his family, she was.

She couldn't let Elvis down, No she couldn't afford to.

She had to regain her confidence, and gain the trust of his family.

She raised her head up and smiled.

'I am Mr Park'. She said.

The old man gave her a slight nod and motioned for them to sit, which they did.

'Elvis why don't you introduce her to everyone'. Oldman Park said which he immediately did.

Nari greeted everyone present on the table, even when some of the didn't seemed to like her, but they had to respond to her greetings, because the old man was watching.

'And lastly these are my parents'. Elvis said.

Nari smiled and bowed to them, but Elvis' mom didn't have any trace of emotions in her eyes neither did she respond to her greetings.

'It's nice meeting you child'. His father, Mr Park Minho said with a small smile on his face.

'Thank you sir'. She said waiting for his mom to say something, but she didn't, rather looked away from her.

Nari knew at once, his mother didn't like her, she sat back on the chair.

She felt Elvis tap her thighs gently, trying to inform her to give his grandfather the gift.

She got the clue and stood up.

'I got this for you sir, I didn't know what you would like'. She said and handed the fancy box, with the pen inside.

Old man Park smiled and took the gift from her, he opened it and saw the pen.

A smile crept on his face.

'Thank you child, you can call me grandfather, just like Elvis do'. He said and closed the box, handing it over to butler Oh.

'Thank you grandfather'. Nari smiled and sat back on the chair, she looked at Elvis and her smiled back at her.

She walked to his parents with two bags on her hand.

'I got this for you mam'. She said and stretched the bag over to his mother, but she only looked at it and told the servant to take the bag, Nari bit her lips nervously, trying the control the anger within her.

She knew she did not like her but, she should not have to let the whole world know.

She quickly brushed the thoughts off and gave the other bag to his father which he gladly accepted.

Nari walked back to take her sit and Elvis tapped her again, telling her she did a great job.

Elvis stared at his mother angrily but she only rolled her eyes and looked away.

She had recently called him and told him to tell her that the rumor between him and Nari was nothing but just a rumor, he didn't know what she meant until now, making him wonder why she hated her, when she did not even know her.

'Why is Yoonjin not here yet?'. Oldman Park asked butler Oh, after moments of waiting.

'Should I give him a call?'. He asked but the old man shook his head no.

'I'm so sorry Dad, I'll go give him a call'. Park Aera said and stood up from the chair headed outside.

A shadow of smile appeared on Elvis' lips which was not noticeable.

He knew Yoonjin to be the type of person who always comes to any event very early, and wondered what went wrong, this time around.Or maybe, his pretend girlfriend could not make it.

The thought of that, made it more funnier.

He had tried to look up on Yoonjin's activities but had nothing vital going on, except him working, same with Chaeyoung.

His mind suddenly went back to Chaeyoung and her warning

'….a wonderful news in a few days'. He had being thinking about those words for days but couldn't pinpoint what she meant.

The door finally opened, revealing Yoonjin walking in with his mother and Chaeyoung.

Elvis mind went blank as he stared at them.

'What was she doing here….Why was she with Yoonjin?'.