Reading the report

"They're only big because we're on our knees," Cliff said to himself as he leaned back in his seat. In his hands he held Dahlia's report, a piece of paper on which a few words seemed to be scribbled in a hurry but which were nevertheless of great importance.

Looking up at the ceiling, Cliff felt a little upset by what happened next. This famous Wendigo, a variant demon who reigns supreme during the winter, was going to be a big problem for him. It was a feat in itself to take down a creature of such magnitude. It was the result of the cohesion between the members of the group.

According to the report, there was among them a certain Riwan, who was under the influence of a mental manipulation spell of the creature, which had put him out of combat and forced them to fight alone in threes against the Wendigo hungry.

"This proves once again that we can achieve it with enough preparation" he said to himself internally.