Formally Proposed

"I formally propose that you become vassal clans," declared the Sovereign firmly, his powerful voice echoing in every corner of the room. His words seemed as heavy as an irrevocable sentence, embedding themselves in the mind of everyone present.

"As vassals, you will be treated just like all the clans in the fortress. This means you will benefit from the protection of our troops, access to our resources, and our trade networks. Your warriors can be trained by our masters-at-arms, and your artisans will have the opportunity to work with the finest tools and materials we possess."

The Sovereign paused, carefully watching Drevan and Morwen's faces to ensure his words had hit their mark.

"In return, your clans must adhere to certain requirements. Your fighters will need to join our ranks for military campaigns that I deem necessary. Your lands will officially become extensions of the fortress, and your leaders must swear loyalty to my banner."