Impact (2)

The shock resonated like thunder, projecting a wave of suffocating heat across the plain. Katia's flaming arrow, still spinning like an infernal whirl, sank into the side of the Drakkorn.

The creature let out a scream that tore through the skies, a cry of agony mixed with rage. Its scales, once renowned as indestructible, melted under the scorching assault, revealing blackened, smoking flesh. The arrow did not stop there: its concentrated mana erupted in a burst of flames, ravaging everything around the point of impact.

The Drakkorn staggered, its massive body swaying under the devastating attack. Its once unshakable paws trembled slightly. Yet, even in its pain, it did not fall. This monster was like a titan, and even a single blow, no matter how powerful, would not be enough to bring it down.

Katia remained perched on her makeshift platform, observing the creature's every movement. She clenched her fists, ignoring the burning pain in her scorched hands.