Storming through the camp in a fury, Cliff barged into the tent, grabbed a chair, and sat down abruptly, letting out a strained sigh. His gaze fixed on the taut fabric of the tent's ceiling as his mind, burdened by recent events, struggled to find respite.
That mysterious creature… The man who claimed to know the paths Cliff should take in this war… In truth, it had all been an illusion. Nothing more than a spy sent by a commander under the Manticore's orders. No connection to Sevirea.
Even after interrogation, the creature had revealed nothing useful.
And once again, Cliff had been forced to bloody his blade.
All for a worthless monster. A waste of time.
He slumped back in his chair, inhaling slowly. His mind drifted through the chaos of his thoughts, seeking a connection. He visualized every thread of reasoning, every mental image, and stretched his consciousness toward one of his contracted allies.