look at the bright side

January 5th, 2016 around about 11:30 a.m. is the day. Rehab graduation! Not to mention Nates first ever graduation since kindergarten. The day everyone in Nate's life has been anxiously waiting for, and not in the way you might think. What was probably on their minds was high hopes but low expectations! Whereas The 20 year old pup young bright eyed and bushy tailed, had high expectations yet low regard for the amount of discipline this was going to take. For the first time in his adult life, only being an adult for 2 years, nonetheless. Nate diggity dawg is fresh off drugs. Say good riddance to the terror that is a lifestyle this kid was getting himself into, and say hello baby to being submerged into the community of sobriety the paved over live music capitol of concrete wilderness, so elegantly provides to all creatures of habit, Aka humans. Bastrop Texas was home to a liar and a thief he refused to claim that place as his home anymore. This, ladies and gentleman is Austin, Texas. home to thousands of liars and thieves. From that day on this was home! The difference you might ask? Well there's a place for those trying to build a future carrying a demolished past using tools they share and acquire from each other.

Bright side sober living. The house he was assigned to on eubank Dr. off north Lamar and Braker lane. Land of the brave and home of the crackheads. Not like Nate's old clique type of crack heads though they are bred from corn, pseudoephedrine and agnosticism. We're talking about recovering dope feens! This country boy was extatic to experience the melting pot that is city living.. sober city living! Let's just say Nate was in for a hell of a wake up call to say the least. This place is just like a halfway house He has a curfew, chores, roommates, required AA meetings to attend, at least 3 a week. As well as requirements to utilize all of the tools he had acquired from rehab. Nightly reviews, morning meditation, meeting a sponsor, going through the 12 steps again. If you are familiar with sobriety you know it's a lot of work. It pays off in the end, if you work it. Let's be honest what 20 year old young man drugs or no drugs wants to deal with extraneous annoying monotonous rules that otherwise delay your fun? Right. Not to mention for the first real time ever he's paying rent! A lot to take on with not a lot taken in, but drugs were most definitely the last thing on his mind. Relapse however doesn't have to look like drugs or alcohol it can look like spending your first real paycheck and rent money at the strip club, blowing through 6 different jobs in the span of 5 months buying a tattoo of a rose on your hand really nice tattoo though, but still 150 bucks? Tattoos were a new found addiction. An expensive one at that! Spending pawn money on a hooker you found on Craigslist, Bad idea! Very bad idea.. you could smell the putrid stinch that came from between her legs! He wasn't irritable, but for sure restless and discontent. Irritability would surely follow soon after. So what does an addict do? They find something to escape. Porn, sex, love, better job, video games, tattoos, gambling, food. The list goes on! He did however manage to finally obtain his driver's license. God bless their souls. I'm talking about everyone on the road when this speed racer is behind the wheel! He tried everything! Anything, but drugs. The boy even bought one of those flesh lights from xxx video. Though nothing seemed to fill the constant black hole consuming his every thought so he figured the 'ol geographical change would do the trick! Move to a new place. Given how He quickly grew angrily exhausted of the big city traffic stress and temptation of the party type of persona it carried. Alot of friends from rehab and within the community began relapsing and/or inevitably passing away. Rome was crumbling and the boys first real time to see the darkness within that life. The real darkness was the visual to look at someone you knew while their light was bright and shining to pure sinister nothingness. Rest in peace and everlasting brothers. He had a sponsor even relapse and his second sponsor ditched him, or at least he never really heard from him. Which leads us to talk about arguably the worst and best decision simultaneously he made in life. Nate Applied to Gary Job Corps center in San Marcos, TX. A government funded trade school where he would be able to earn his high school diploma and also get certified in a trade of his choosing! He's going to delegate this as a career investment opportunity all free and paid for by uncle sam himself! They House you, feed you, they even pay you 25 dollars every 2 weeks! Sounds perfect right? No, but imperfectly unique and nothing else compares. What even is perfect? It was perfect in times perception. Our own opinion is perfect for our own experience, so yeah Id say it was pretty perfect.

Luckily the next chapter of his life didn't involve immoral sex or drugs. Well, the sex part was questionable. May 20th, 2016 He got accepted into Gary Job Corps center aka the ghetto college. With amenities such as a pool, a full sized basketball court where every Friday night a movie was played. A boxing gym and coach because if you had beef take it to the gym big dog! A poolhall and video game room, where most people would usually hang out and occasionally the students working there for extra pay would host pool tournaments such as 9 ball, 10 ball, and regular 8 ball. Usually the grand prize was a 50 dollar pool cue. Pretty badass! Young men and women ages 16-25 from literally all over the world! A population of about 2500 students. Spanning from Asia, Africa, korea. All around the states One young woman was from Ukraine! This was the real melting pot. And offered a high school diploma program and trade school programs. There were electrician, machinist, carpentry, welding, CNA, and more! The promise they presented was that 2000 dollars would be paid to the student as well as career success plan to look for employers post graduation. The first lesson you learn at job corps is thats not true. Uncle Sam gives. Uncle Sam takes. Second is "no Gary relationship is gone work" "yeheardme" that one really stuck like glue! The type of glue that never actually stays. Third and most important lesson you learn is Newports are a necessity and survival commodity. Even if you don't smoke you did at Gary!

Nate dawg, got a little weight on and feeling groovy, imagine a 20 year old young man, black box shades Texas flag tank top, duffle bag in each hand cheesing at life. Deep inhale as he heads toward the intake line. Momma dropped her boy off again, maybe for the last time? Nah probably not. She's balling her eyes out. Nate embarrassingly showing her away as if it wasn't valuable to have those memories. Nothing is more valuable than soul connections. Like mother-son father-daughter those connections last forever. His dad was living in S.A.S.H. (San Antonio State Hospital) due to a chronic case of tuberculosis from sleeping in the weeds living life, strung out, jails.. institutions. In, out and in again! Hed never learn i suppose. I wonder what the view looking out from a tent is like? Smack dab in the slums of the hill country! Nathan appreciated his mom he didn't show it well, but lord what would he have done in the primary care of his father? Exactly! Probably sold to a drug dealer for a sack of dope and a bumping stereo system. Or became the drug dealer! As for the reality, because forget about that would-have nonsense. he's yet again Bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to tounge kiss life in the jugular! Being away from death and destruction was the motive. He chose the machinist trade because he knew nothing about it and it sounded intriguing. To be quite honest he thought it was related somehow to the auto mechanic trade. He should have just picked welding.. The first month at Gary one would expect to be flooded with information about the campus, divided into groups and provided information about your specific trade. STD testing, drug testing. Don't worry if you fail they have sort of a rehabilitation class as a re-directory for misguided adolescents and young adults. Gary taught you to learn how to balance money, write checks, and open bank accounts. Every student was required to take an aptitude test to see if you're up to date on your level of education based on your highschool credits and age group. If you're not that's okay, they have a program to catch you up to speed. As an added bonus if you passed you earned an extra 45 dollars. Nate, the smart bastard, aced it! Though he never applied himself in school dropping out at just 10th grade after 2 attempts at 5th and 9th grades! "Blame it on my ADD baby" "SAIL"... wait.. what were we talking about? Anyway.

This 4 week Gary bootcamp was called CPP short for the career preparation program Nate acquainted nicely with his peers as he was still freshly confident and renewed. And oh baby was there honey in the bees nest if you know what I'm talking about! Girls! All shapes, colors, accents, and attitudes. After the shame of having bought a hooker a couple months prior he needed some love, Jesus Christ someone get this man a girl friend! The first girl he lays his eyes on is this short spicy Latina named Mina, she's an ambassador. An ambassador was a student from Gary who had been there for at least 30 days and applied to show every new cpp student the ropes for extra credit. A sort of role model and 21 questions machine. Mina was smoking so hot you could smell it sizzling in the air! I mean I love a little fat on the bacon don't you? "I'm becoming an ambassador" Nate excitedly said to himself. With his new crush he would awkwardly walk past everyday and his new mission, Natey boy was eager to start the shenanigans that is job corps life. The ambassadors let the cpp group have a freestyle battle on the last day before they headed off to the other 2450 students! A nice twist of the wrist cheesing im swiss feeling bliss frosty no ceiling is crisp! nevermind.. i should stick to my day job.

As Nate gets settled in he meets his first acquaintance, dekari king a 23 year old retired weed plug from Amarillo Texas "say big homie I'm finna head to chow hol' it down while i beef up" would be one of his notorious one liners. Dekari didn't say much, but he sure slang snacks after dinner a dollar for 3! Hey the man was good at what he did. I wonder what dekari is doing now? Anyway. School, trade, and GIRLS! Overloaded with enthusiasm Nate dawg realized he likes black girls! Not just any black girls, Ethiopian black girls! His undying love for Mina faded when he found out another lucky loser got ahold of her first. Good for him! Nate locked his target on the beautiful goddess from Ethiopia Fiyori. It takes him weeks to get the courage to talk to her seeing all his buddies at the pool hall get swerved by her as if shes Aphrodite or something! One Friday night Nate dawg is hanging with the boys and he sees fiyori sitting alone looking down in the dumps. "Ayyo y'all go on without me, I'll catch up" he's finally gonna talk to her! One of his dorm buddies yells from across the way *say that's my girl you know" another piggy backed with "aight Nate dawg I see you" "talk yo shit homie" now awkwardly embarrassed Nate shrugs it off staring at fiyori feeling as though he expected her to say something first. She did too! "they're stupid boys, do not be embarrassed" in her beautiful golden Ethiopian accent melting in his seat red faced, and nervous he told her "your beautiful and I like your hair" the hair was fake but was a violet color dreaded braids and quite frankly very sexy! She smelled of cocoa butter and horse main conditioner. That's all he could blurt out. Of course he'd been with a girl before, but... The last girl did him dirty, we'll discuss that when there's more time. Of course drugs followed thereafter so it's been a while. This was magical to him and different! She asked him if he wanted to go to church Sunday. Remembering his history with the people of the church and religion as a whole he hesitated, but dammit he's in love! He told her "yeah of course!" "I'm Christian born and raised"

Now that's all he could think about, and it's only Wednesday! Nervous about going to church, because the last time his relationship with religion consisted of him blaspheming Christianity by praying to the devil and flipping the exterior wooden crosses and leaning them against churches around town... he learned of agnosticism in rehab and growing up he had a great church family but was religiously misguided by his parents. All splitting his faith down the middle. This was a really big deal, though he didn't understand why at this time, only that he needed to impress Fiyori.

Sunday rolls around and Nate springs out of bed bright and early, his RA or Residential Advisor would give him change from his pocket to buy a Newport or 2 some mornings. They go for .50 cents a pop at Gary and 10 dollars a pack. Given the students aren't allowed to freely leave when they want. "Sup Mr B. You got .50?" Mr B. Slides him 50 cents as if it's a secret "Thank you. I appreciate it" Nate yells out as he's headed out of his dorm. Zoo house they called it. It most definitely lived up to it's name too! Because the monkeys are jumping ya feeeel me.. I mean like always fighting and bumping chests! Zoo house!

Nate shows up to the shuttle stop to sign in on the specific church he was attending, but Fiyori wasn't there! She was late. All of the co-ed and female dorms were nicer holiday inn style buildings as opposed to the red brick projects that is zoo house. He waited and waited anxiously sweating bullets that he's stuck going by himself. Until she shows up, but not alone. Fiyori brought a friend one of her female roommates. Nate sighs in releaf but also realizes quickly this is no date. "All of the stress and shes not even into me!" Nate angrily thought to himself now as the 3 were awkwardly riding to church, when they arrived something special happened. Something Nathan was not used to. The power of God was in that church that day. There were donuts, coffee and smiling faces! through our Devine senses spiritually encouraging a chain of events that could have never been undone, redone nor duplicated. Of course Nate didn't know that. As they walked in he noticed they were all black folk. Looking back to a time in highschool he went to a black church with his friend savannah and he loved it. They sure know how to praise the Lord! Immediately feeling at home. He grabbed a donut and coffee and started to mingle with Fiyori and her friend. However when the sermon started, being the only white face in their home to them and to him was rather unusual. The devil, master of manipulation he is indeed. Luckily Nate was massively simpping over Fiyori therefore getting his faith to the standard of who he thought she was looking for Kept him inclined to ignoring any judgement, not to mention they were wholesome and welcoming to say the least. Probably the best time anyone can have at church!

As Nate continued to go to church every Sunday he didn't see Fiyori. She stopped going. The 2 kept a platonic relationship given they were friends and nothing more, and he understood that. Fiyori led Nate to a much more meaningful connection with God, and he was forever grateful. The man still could not find a girlfriend though! He did however get accepted to become an ambassador with his buddy Kevin. This was a great opportunity to meet a lot of people and oh yeah girls! Except it started to ware on him that maybe he was doing something wrong, he became friends with Mina she was kinda his boss now being lead ambassador. Let the ass kissing begin! Still not the one though. Many girls liked Nate, but as picky as he was, the irony had won. "Not my cup of tea" as he would say.. knowing he couldn't even afford any tea to begin with! After about the 3rd CPP group that Nate had the pleasure of getting to know. He would introduce himself to each group as Nate Dawg, and that's what most people would jokingly call him. Let's be honest he didn't have any game with the ladies though, or he just thought about it too much. Either way he felt almost out of options. As usual for him he wasn't remotely focused on his highschool work and was considering switching to the electrical trade solely because Mina was in it and she would give him a cute smile once in a while boosting his ego, and his comfort with her began to strengthen. Not to mention his dad had been on his ass about going into that trade since he enrolled giving him a moral and logical excuse to switch. They began to rekindle their ever so fractured bond through doing so. He was popular and really loving Gary. Nate just couldn't get lucky. until a girl by the name of Samantha, a fire bu.. ball! Fire ba... ball of fire.. You know what I mean! Sam had already been to the job corps once and gotten pregnant while enrolled by her now ex-husband. Who also went to Gary where they met! Sam was 23. Nate picked em well. When she influenced him into pretending to date her, he gracefully accepted assuming it was an attempt to repel a creep she didn't like. Until that took a turn for the worst when Nate kissed her finding himself in a love pretzel this girl orchestrated from the start! Nate was just a pawn to make the guy she liked jealous. Freaking Redheads! His 4th week of being an ambassador slowly crept up while Nate began losing interest. Mina already graduated to the next phase in electrical, he just got to the first one. After wasting the first 2 months doing squat in the machinist trade. Nate's losing motivation. Granted his faith in God grew stronger by the day. Monday following after about the 3 official sundays attending this beautiful church Fiyori led him too. A little side note the rose tattoo on his right hand has a much more divine connection than he realized, than just a cover over The ugly ass fire ball and thug symbolism. A sorta dark pile of burnt garbage staining his hand. All be the glory to eBay for selling a tattoo gun to a 16 year old! Thankfully while in brightside he had it Professionally covered with a beautifully colored rose effortlessly executed by this berley biker tatted from head to toe named Forrest. Who knew such a grizzly badass so elegantly creates perfection? This was right at the heart of round rock Texas inside a shop titled "needlewerx". Almost as if that moment was the very bridge from what was to what is to come. Unfortunately they're closed for business nowadays. I sometimes wonder if they just weren't tipped enough? Nate sure as hell did. Not to mention Fiyori's name translated to English is flower! Though he got it way before he met her? God is one mysterious riddler for the inquisitive mind. It's what keeps us breathing, for each breath of life is a test and an opportunity. The riddle though is which of the 2 are appropriate for the day?

a new group of CPP all bright eyed and... yeah you know the thing. As Nate's walking and scoping them out to see who he wants to "befriend" by the way how creepy is that? Anyway, he's doing the work of an ambassador, The Lord's work! as they start to settle and await the formal "welcome to Gary Job Corps" speech there are board games, cards, and a back patio to smoke cigarettes, which is where he spent most of his time. Today he walked around inside because his mission involved big booty milky skin cutie. Not the redneck from Tyler, Texas telling him there's shrapnel in his knee from the time his cousin handcrafted a nail grenade. Cool ass story, but still no milky skin. A group of 3 girls asked with excitement as he walked by "are you an ambassador" he shook his head with pride "I am what's up" in his head paying no mind to them as if they were peasants. He wasn't attracted to them as much as someone who's out of his league, like Mina or fiyori. Spiked hair, defined jaw line, ambassador. Pretentious more like! one of them was a cute country girl, a dirty blonde with freckles looked at nate with a shy but honest demeanor, and spoke up hesitantly "do you want to play a board game with us?" "We only need one more player" "Nah I'm good" "I'm not really into board games" Nate shrugged and waltzed away.

After blindly passing up several opportunities of his stature he heads outside once again to indulge in the tabacco smoking, nail grenade making time in the sun. Come to realize there are only 4 individuals and one of them is another golden skin Ethiopian las. There she was.. beautiful, brown and full of cake "gimme the batter, and I'll be the chef" Nate knew this was it! I already know that accent. Hermone Tekske is her name which translates in her language to hard lesson well learned, Probably. Ironically Hermone was Fiyori's cousin too. He thought okay lets try this again! "This time I'll get to Fiyori through her cousin" At first she wasn't interested, but Nate kept trying and eventually he learned that he could make her laugh! That's easy, just be Nate. Little did he know Ethiopians are very touchy feely without having any emotions behind it. It's just their culture. And they love to laugh. What girl doesn't? Nate thought he had this one in the bag, because they would hold hands, and walk, laugh and even lay together, everything excluding sex or intimacy. It was Nate who started catching feelings for Hermone, but also had his eyes everywhere else such as this very bouncy Cuban senorita. Her name was chebely pinios that he was introduced to by one of his roommates jorti bartholemu, a Cuban player from Miami Florida. how these names are stored in the ol memory bank is beyond the limit of the sky. Nate managed to get chebely's number, but quickly discovered she was all over his buddy Brandon who everyone thought was secretly gay. She also had a current boyfriend! Gary was a ses pool of the next generational baby boom if I do say so myself. Nevertheless He was too shy to make his move and kiss either one after being humiliated by Sam and that whole fiasco! He liked Hermone and her cultural beliefs would allow him to stay connected with God, and chebely was an atheist. I mean look at the triangle she's entangled with as it is. Nate took too long drooling over the treats while the other dogs ate his bowl clean. The Day he was gonna go for it with Hermone, walking to her class he saw her, but sadly not alone. She was with another guy, and they were kissing! Heart broken he went to class and was waiting outside for the teacher to unlock the door. He just couldn't stop thinking about yet again falling behind the 8 ball. a girl dressed in the welding trade uniform headed to class stumbled upon Nate knowing she had the biggest crush on him, but got turned down by him a few weeks prior. She thought "I'll just kill him with kindness." Wearing a giant backpack bigger than her, stuffed with God knows what. Literally stumbled upon Nate. Kayla was her name. She introduced herself to Nate, and he noticed first the firm handshake she possessed thinking back to a time a childhood role model told him "all of a person's respect lies within their handshake" She stuttered. "do you need a hug?" "Looks like you need a hug" "you know.. yeah I think I do" Nate mumbled back to the uncertain young lady. And that was it. He didn't pay much attention to the small gesture she acquainted him with, but earned his respect as well as his attention. but to her it was like meeting her celebrity crush, and actually hugging him! "ugh he smells so good" she fluttered to herself as they parted ways. Nate was still hung up on the fact that he couldn't find a girlfriend! That he wanted.. Kayla was beautiful. She just wasn't Ethiopian, Cuban, or very intelligent. What he failed to realize is that neither was he! Nathan.. Nathan.. Always looking at distant stars for warmth when there's a humble fire in his own backyard. that night Friday September 16th of 2016 he finally placed it in God's hands. He was done getting let down and he's even seen this new girl Kayla walking with guys, just friends or not why even take the risk anymore? He began formulating The prayer that would change everything. On his knees alone leaning on jori's bunk, lucky bastard got the bottom due to some issues with epilepsy he struggled with. Nate prayed with tears in his eyes "God put a woman in my life! Please I'm tired of loving and instead always losing, I'm ready for love and some day more! I will be eternally grateful in Jesus name amen" he wiped his tears and stepped out to smoke a cigarette. Everyone was coupled up either at the movie or pool hall. A gay couple even got caught down the hall of his room getting it on. Love was in the air just not for Nate it seemed. Nate dawg had some alone time. Or Nate again was alone. However you want to slice the cake. No magazine cover model magically appeared walking amongst the clouds to be wed. Exhausted and defeated Nate takes his shower says his nightly prayers and off to bed. Look at the bright side of it all, God, and Jesus will never leave us for loneliness will meet its departure in due time.

Saturday morning! Breakfast in the chow hall. Sun through the window chattery coffee convos. Fun, joy, and laughter, they were young, and full of life, potential, and all things great. Still.. no... Love for a G. Except that Kayla girl texted Nate, a subtle "gm" Text in an attempt to nonchalantly start up conversation. He heard she had a dude back home in San Antonio and another boy at Gary doing his usual pace back and forth in deep contemplation "and she's trying to get at me?" "Nah I know exactly where this is leading" "she's trying to break up with her Gary boyfriend, save the hubby at home for the backup plan and get at me cause in her eyes I'm the top dog!" Nate is fantastic at hyping himself up for failure! This however wouldn't have been one of those occasions. Which is exactly why he dove head first into hater lake doing the backstroke! They hit it off immediately! She professed her undying love for him, which stroked his ego making him feel confident, in turn made Kayla comfortable, because she has daddy issues. Don't worry! So does Nate. The pair were a match made in heaven Perfect opposites as you would say. Nate on the cusp of a Capricorn-sagittarius and Kayla a full Sagittarius. you could only imagine the fiery sex and passionate fights these two had boiling to the surface! They agreed to meet up that Sunday, September 18th 2016 at the community post office, also where he met Fiyori and her roommate for church. Nate and Kayla were looking to see what emotions bubble within. Nate was tired of being in second place and Kayla was tired second place guys. When she mentioned she's ready for the guy to make the first move twirling her hair. Swinging that door wide open! He told her with sheer confidence like something out of the movie Greece. "Well let's make it official" and kissed her! She kissed him back! Yeah baby! Nate dawg is finally getting some action. Hell they probably made out for a solid 4.2 minutes! It was immediate like that back then. She questioned him. "It's only me right" "no other girls" from that day on, consistently. Rest assured it was only her!

Honestly though, the butterflies were flapping, sparks were flying. God had answered his prayer, and apparently her dreams. She confessed to having a dream before meeting him of someone having importance in her life possessing a rose tattoo on their hand! now he was to keep his promise and prove his eternal gratitude. And her as well. Easy enough right? Well the devil, master of manipulation he is indeed. Luckily Kayla was a strong devout Christian with military roots and loved the fuck out of Nathan! He loved her too. After the first week her parents let him visit on their usual weekend outing Nate's mom was the only family in the area, besides his dad who was in S.A.S.H. Mike decided rehab was good for him as well after his nearly 6 year relationship shattered landing him in a constant pool of his own vomit, and drunken sorrows. A different government funded rehab though. Upon graduation however he was placed in sober living in Austin. They have surprisingly parallel differences, with everything. Nate's mom got exhausted from the ever growing cost of living in the hill country she decided to move to the panhandle where all of her side of the family is from. The promised land of cheaper rent! So Nate unfortunately had nowhere to go on weekends literally thank God for Kayla boren! quite frankly the only real love he had ever felt. If love even had a feeling what would one say to describe it? I would say if the pain to bear losing them outweighs the stress of keeping them, well my friend. You're in love! See there happens to be this fine line sewn between the fabric of love and lust though, and that's Been quite the issue since well, the dawn of time! Yet we never even notice the difference! Her parents confronted Nate and Kayla after getting introduced to her family. Respectfully. Ofcourse. The household consisted of Kayla's mom and dad, her older sister Courtney with her 2 kids. Courtney and Her baby daddy had a falling out in Kentucky she just recovered from. They titled it "The ann frank rescue mission". Supposedly Courtney was forced to live in her soon to be in-laws basement. A slight hypochondriac that one is. Anyhow, she and her kids were crashing at mom and dads for a bit. Then there was her younger brother Ben. Ben was a bit of a strange kid. Nothing like what Nate hadn't already seen or been himself though, so not a big deal. They told the new frisky couple that Nate was to sleep on the couch and Kayla in her bedroom. Yeah! Like that would ever happen. Her sister had a friend from the job corps, actually Kayla tried setting the 2 up, though Courtney didn't attend Gary she still had a phone! Because of that simple fact that she had never personally met the guy. Oh.. and she had 2 toddlers to take care of! Her parents didn't allow him to come over. And she was a bit salty about that. Kayla's mother Amanda boren was a soft Christian born country girl from somewhere in the mid-west. A woman of little education, yet high regard for her self worth and I respect that. Not to mention she gave all the glory to god, though She stepped A bit on the Boojie side after losing all of her weight in an unhealthy amount of time. I'm proud of her really. But ma'am with all respect, chocolate laxative is not a meal. Who cares what your husband said about that salad already showing on you! You are fabulous Amanda! Oh, speaking of Kayla's father, he was an ex-marine that served 4 years in the navy stationed in Hawaii "aloha". The man knows how to play "Enter sandman" by Metallica on electric guitar! He was a total badass! Riley Scott Boren. Nate's first introduction was at his garage door Kayla bangs loudly so Riley opened it slowly creeping up you see deer antlers and a shotgun hanging above his head and of course the 10mm pistol resting on his hip, overalls, with one side unbuttoned, scruffy Beard, and eyes that say "I kill for sport" when you shook that man's hand you were auditioning to be next son-in-law. Though he was a man of few words, when he spoke you listened. Unfortunately however a man is only as good as the woman by his side. In return she only solidifies as the very reflection he sees in the mirror. This we all fail to realize. Marriage is the 8th wonder of the world. Yet the simplest form of purity one can find. Those 2 were lucky to have had the pleasure of accomplishing a lasting faithful commitment between each other. To hell with everything that followed thereafter. I honestly don't even blame them in the slightest. Live out your golden years worry free and let your kids deal with their own consequences. Sounds fair!

In any account they were really nice people! Loved Nathan, and he was a pro at kissing their ass! Speaking of kissing and asses Nate and Kayla couldn't stay off each other! Buddy cleaned his pipes straight from the cream to his crop. Let me tell you, It's as if they had never fucked like that in they're entire life those two! It's because they haven't! 7 times in one night! Oh man was he lustfully in love with her and she was absolutely head over heels for him. He continued to go to her house every weekend with the exception of Kayla's periodic family time she would long for, but seldom receive. Nothing else even mattered after that. Which motivated Nate to get up out of there and start his life with Kayla. They had even gotten both Nate's mom and Kayla's parents' blessing to move across the state together out in Pampa texas with his family, post graduation. It was in between thanksgiving and Christmas just about 3 months in and they had already given each other promise rings. How cute! The sex was feisty between them I mean, on a pile of sand inside Nate's trade at night. Sneaking to the closed down paintball field atop a haystack. The co-ed "family bathroom" the hallway between dorms after dark! Shit these two were ready to get jiggy just about anywhere! They even banged on the counter of a mutual friend's new apartment! Oh but the arguments that followed were an explosion of immaturity as well as insecurity from both ends. And not at all far between. Or secretive! They didn't let that stop them though. These too Jack hammers were brainstorming baby names already! She wasn't even pregnant either. Nate did finished his highschool credits and transitioned to full time trade, which he'd basically given up on. He did however Learn how to wire a duplex receptacle, along with the attainment of his OSHA 10, and NCCER certifications. He made progress, but his instructors hated him, and he hated trade.

Nate needed to graduate his trade as well, to receive his actual high school diploma though. In an attempt to find a loop hole he tried transferring again, but this time to the CNA trade knowing it was a quick and easy trade to complete. Dammit at this point he just wanted his diploma, his 2 grand and lil mamma with a way out of Gary! Sadly he wasn't allowed to transfer again. To top it off his instructor informed him due to his recent misdemeanor theft charges from a couple years back the Texas licensing department of regulations or TDLR couldn't even certify him in electrical. Evidently your background would have to be clear enough authorizing you to enter residential buildings. In their eyes he was just a thief with drug history. Jeez I could've told you that. Mina had stopped encouraging him and he stopped caring! As a matter of fact he dropped all of his female acquaintances. They didn't like him like that anyway. He quit his job as ambassador. He Even stopped talking to Fiyori! Though she still popped up on occasions chatting it up with Kayla, and only Kayla. For good reason though. Fiyori knew the feelings he had for her at one time. What a true gem Fiyori was! Nate tried to show Kayla his church family where a very nice woman had a gift for him. He was excited to see that, and show Kayla what it truly meant to praise Jesus! unfortunately he was never able to receive the gift, because Kayla went once and never wanted to go back. So he stopped as well, being they couldn't agree on a middle ground.

Kayla was sheltered as a kid. Never really being around black folk growing up, being submerged into the isle dancing, hand raising, fan flapping speaking in tongues pure soul praising God fearing service that is their culture made her somewhat uncomfortable. Nate was right there in the aisle with them! Nothing wrong with that. Only their views on church style and religion as a whole did not match.. this would surely prove to be a big problem in the future. For that point in time it just didn't serve as the greatest import. Or so they thought. They didn't really have friends anymore by choice. I'm telling you these two were inseparable! However There was a kid by the name of Mikey that would follow them around, and had a secret crush on Kayla. Annoying fucker Mikey was! And from Nate's dorm a dude named Trey-von Kennedy Trey for short. He was cool but gah-lee his severe and untreated acne just made your toes curl! Also either he had untreated ADHD as well or the boy was hiding some meth up under his sock, because he would never shut the hell up! In all honesty he was a cool homie, and never saw an awkward moment, I'll give him that! He definitely meant well. That was all the two would ever really hang with other than the occasional pop in from his boy Kevin. Their couples nickname stemming from Nate's popularity as an ambassador was Mr. And Mrs Nate dawg. Kevin one time performed a palm read on them for shits and giggles. He predicted the couple would get married with 2 daughters and a son. Kevin was a real one! And forever in the book of legends. The palm read was inaccurate, but damn close for a shoot the shit man in the blue coat like Kevin Salas! A true southern Mexicano. I hope Kevin is doing alright these days. When Nate was struggling deciding whether it was too early to drop the "L" word on Kayla it was kevin who blessed him with a bit of wisdom. "Love has no minimum wait time." "It'll never be too early, but it can become too late" "just tell her how you feel man" using the same forced country accent he would display while singing his favorite zach brown band song of the week. " A Cold beer on a Friday night, a pair of jeans that fit just right, and the radio up!.." good times... I can say with confidence Kevin was Honestly a good ass friend. Peace and happiness to you brother. Now what was Nate to do? He couldn't transfer, nor complete the trade he was in. Kayla was way behind in all of her academics, and trade work. Therefore Nate did what Nate did best. Whatever the fuck Nate wanted to do! Naive Kayla followed, so off they were. The love birds left Gary at the drop of a hat to temporarily stay with her parents for the month of January 2017. They were right there in San Antonio This was until Nate's momma inevitably bought their greyhound bus tickets to Childress, Texas where her and her parents, Nate's Nanny and papa picked them up at. Pampa is too small for a greyhound bus station. The drive from San Antonio to Amarillo is 8+ hours. Too long and more expensive. Two plane tickets were way out of the budget as well so greyhound to Childress it is. This was sure the beginning of a beautiful war wrapped in love family and the rest of their lives! You remember that George straight song "Amarillo by morning, up from San Antone"? I often think about that song and how those two really white trashed the shit out of such a beautiful melody!