Raaya's back stiffened. Her hands clenched into the cup she was holding tightly. Slowly a cold smile found its way to her lips.

She chuckled out the thoughts in her head "naive?" She wasn't looking but she could tell he had paused at the door. The sound of his feet moving away did not echo, rather his subtle breath found their way into her ear.


Her life had lost every meaning to this word. The taste of loss, chaos and despair opened her mind up to the myriad of uncertainty lurking to engulf man while at the slightest proof of ignorance. She was forced to learn that in the world of naivety nothing was real. The ignorant feeling of uncertainty and liberty created the illusion of freedom and bliss. She had once felt like this, a time when dependency came as easy as watching the sun set and rise. If given a chance everyone would strive to go back to that time in their lives but now she knew even wishing for such only blinded you from the dark vortex called Reality. Nevertheless, Reality had a way of revealing itself, a way of shedding every illusion and misconceptions it had so deceptively allowed to bloom in the human's mind. 

In her case, the spiking claws of reality broke the solid ground under her feet, like it had done for so many others. Falling into the boundless abyss like Alan would perhaps have been a luxury for her, instead she was suspended in thin air, wrapped around with cords of choices pulling her at every direction. There was no exist, no escape from the stillness. Perhaps her stillness had gradually become an never ended stangnacy.

There was so much she could do, so much she should do. A myriad of things she wants to do, but she remains vulnerable from her obvious weakness.

If truly weakness was the foundation of naivety then perhaps he was right. She was naive after all. To be weak in a world were strength had become a paramount string that holds the scale that decides who got to live and who got to die, who got to succeed and who got to remain in the vulnerable world of fear and uncertainty, was truly a proof of naivety.

"Is that what you think?" She asked in a blank voice. 

His monotonous voice replied back "no... It is what I see. Your apparent weakness make you naive. I find you even more naive that you think you stand a chance in the real world" He scoffed "perhaps it's best you stick to make believe. You won't stand a chance in the real world out there. Not with that kind of mindset and this level of weakness"

Indeed she was still so naive, and not because she still held unto her humane rationality and urge for vengeance but that was because she didn't have the strength to back her desires. She was still so weak. Against him or that figure, she wouldn't stand a chance. Her failure was already cut out for her. She knew this as much as he did and he explored her vulnerability so perfectly it left a sting of hurt and desperation.

Raaya licked her lips and smiled. For the very first time the depth in her eyes reflected a light no one had ever seen. It scared those around her. She looked like a demon had been let loose in her mind. Perhaps it had. Desperation they say was the devil's hook. That hook was sinking into her heart like a metal anchore. It started like a little whisper which eventually changed to small cries in her head. A small voice asking her to break free from his expectations and prove him wrong.

Her will was not going to call forth the strength she lacked but she wasn't going to give up now. Even if she had to crawl she was going to attain strength, and when she does, he would be the first person she goes to find. 

"Don't take his words to heart" Alia reminded subtly.

Raaya chuckled "he's right but not for long." She stood up and raised her glass of wine "let's cheers to a new beginning... from tonight we become Hunters. Our childhood dreams are finally coming to pass"

The rest rose their glasses again "cheers!" 

The sound of knocks resounded when they had drank their drinks. 

"Come in" 

The door pushed open and a young man walked in. He bowed slightly to them before turning to face Raaya.

"Kaiser wishes to speak with you" He informed.

Raaya exhaled frustratedly. Her uplifting mood fell flat back on the ground. The content of what their discussion would be was something she could already guess. That already was enough to tire her out before it actually happened.

"Tell him I'm coming" she waved her hand and dismissed him.

"Guess you gonna hear a earful" Myra giggled making Raaya sigh. 

"You don't have to go if you don't want to"

Raaya rose a brow and looked at Dylan "you think so?"

The silent look she got was a reply to the question she asked. She smiled and left the room shortly after. 

She made a few turns after leaving the building and finally arrived at another building. The feeling of nostalgia hitting her at the front gate. The magnificent house that looked like a palace, made with shining stones that looked like crystals yet also like Jade, brought back unforgettable memories. She looked to the top of the house, to that part extending to the skies like babylon's tower, not failing to notice the still remaining transparent glass walls round the balcony and even the binoculars sitting quietly at the balcony. A flash of memory cut through her mind like a knife. Raaya looked away in hurry, blinking away the tears that threatened to fill her eyes. 

Her fist tighten, a blazing ball of energy wrapped wrapped around here. It's been so long but she still couldn't stand the sight of this house. She had given it up and chose to live somehow else, yet she still couldn't face it.

"Miss Raaya" A servant walked out of the house. She bowed slightly to Raaya. "Kaiser is waiting for you inside. Please follow me" 

Raaya nodded and followed after her. They passed through the small iron rod gate, then through the front garden that obviously appeared to be very well tended to. Lines of roses and beautiful flowers marked the pavement to walked through. If this scene was to be taken in a picture it would definitely be like fantasy scene. Walking through those rows of flowers to get to the house. Even though the skies were dark and the star were not out to shine their twinkling lights, it made no difference. The house had a gloww of its own. Even the marble used to make the pavement glowed as one stepped on it.

Finally the got into the house. The servant bowed one last time and walked away. Shortly Kaiser walked down from the stairs. Compared to his official dress up earlier today, he looked very different from himself. Dressed in a simple plain white shit and trousers he gave the night homely vibes to the fullest.

"Have your sit" He took a sit and motioned for Raaya to have a sit on the couch opposite him but the girl chose to turn a deaf ear and remain standing.

"Why did you call me here?" She asked hastily. Every fiber of her body shouting at the highest volume that she didn't want to stay here for long. 

The man's face broke down slightly. He sighed "would it hurt to even take a sit? I thought we could have a conversation for once" 

"What difference would it make" Raaya scoffed. "Every of our conversation ends in an argument" 

"That's because you are on guard against me"

Raaya bantered back "I'm on guard with other people" 

"Other people? He chuckled bitterly "you make it sound like I am a stranger"

A small silence took over the room. Raaya pouted her lips and looked away. Her lips parted and she said in a small voice "You really are a stranger to me" her tone was low still the place was silent so the man seated clearly heard what she had said. 

His eyes flickered. Guilt and a complicated expression. The hand around the glass of tightened slightly. The two of them remained quiet for a time. Each seeming to not want to look at the other though standing in the same room.

Raaya sighed under her breath. She closed her eyes and opened it, by the time she did, it was back to what it used to be. Cold and emotionless. The slight window that had reflected a part of her broken soul could almost had been said to have been imagined. She stared down at the man with blank eyes.

"Did you call me to ask this questions? You should know better. If there's nothing else I am going back" she said in a tone that left no to for deliberation, and immediately turned to leave.

"You should never have taken the mission" He voiced out before she could fully leave the room. 

Raaya paused in front of the door.