CHAPTER TEN: Gladiator Conquest

The man kept mum. His face fell flat and his head dropped. They all thought her words had brought some sense to his head but the next second, a dark coloured sword appeared in his grip. He lifted his head and he looked like he had being possessed. A deep murderous intent laced his eyes.

His hands lifted and he pointed the swords at her. "then I should kill you all here and now"

Before anyone could react. His feet moved, like a fast moving car, he rushed towards her, wielding the sword Ina battle stance. 

His intention was to take her life in one fell swoop. The blade of the sword was aimed at his neck, once he was an inch close to her he would sweep her head off her neck and take her life.

No one expected he would go mad in anger, even still, none of them moved to stop him. They were displeased and dissatisfied with Raaya in the first place. Most of them had been part of the group, Raaya had thrashed at the contest she proposed. Her existence was a big stain on their pride and reputation, they would be more than glad to see her gone. So they stood still and watched him attack her. 

Every knew the scar faced man and how much of a strong fighter he was, they all had concluded in their hearts that there was no way that Raaya would have been able to defeat him.

"Stop!" The Kaiser yelled anxiously, he also rushed forward. Their distance gave up any chance for him to stop the fight before it happen.

Although seeing the man rushing towards her Easy did not flinch, neither did she look anxious. The corner of her lips curled up into an evil smile. 

The man drew nearer but just as he was a few metres away from Raaya, a shadow rushed towards the scene. He felt a push to his shoulder causing him to stagger backwards a couple of steps and loose his grip over his sword.

Everybody looked surprised. They turned to look the young man that had salvage the situation. He stood there looking like a valiant warrior. The aura of superiority he had come in with gave no one the chance to look down on him. A look of reverence took over their face.

"Alan why did you stop me?" The scarred face man queried. The anger that he had displayed earlier seemed to have been quenched with his failure to carry out his plan. Or perhaps he respected the young man too much to direct his anger at him.

"Aren't you forgetting something? If you kill a fellow Jaeger, you would not only be band from the city but you would be stripped of your weapons and status in the association." Alan informed calmly. He glanced over his shoulder at the girl still seated calmly in her sit. He might have sounded like he was thinking of the man but he was actually talking to her. no one might have noticed, the girl's fingers were morphed into sharp long claw shining with a thick glint of energy. If that man had attacked her like he planned then he would have lost his life instantly.

Indeed Alan was right. Raaya had remained calm because she knew that man would not even be able to hurt a strand of her hair. She could kill him clean without even moving a limb. She scoffed as she glanced the young man that came to play hero. Her fingers retracted and she closed her eyes.

There was no way this was all a coincidence. That scarredam could only have come to find trouble with their group when someone had pressed the button from behind and exploited the dissatisfaction he had. Now that Alan was standing before her, she couldn't help but suspect he was the reason this was all happen. She knew him better than they all did. He might always have a small smile on his face but his heart was as dark at night. He would go to any length just to prove his point.

"Our rules also say that a Jaeger who takes a mission for granted should be band from ever taking another mission. shouldn't she be the one who you should give this speech?" 

"You are saying this based on your assumption"

"Assumption?" The man questioned agitatedly. He glared at Raaya and pointed "Everyone sees she is not taking this seriously! We're talking about the lives of two comrades yet all she is concerned about is making an adventure. Such a person should never have been chosen for this mission in the first place!"

"Why didn't you ask those that pushed you here how she gotten chosen? Perhaps they also tell you how they all lost in the contest and the mission was won by our team" Myra dissed with a taunting smile.

Sure enough the man turned to look at the group that had followed his to the room. His eyes asked the question but there was no one to answer him. The group of men avoided their gaze one after their other. Their expressions looking guilty at the same time embarrassed for the exposure of their lies.

"What contest?! She won a brawl against a few of us yet she arrogantly claimed we had all lost to her in a contest. How presumptuous" someone amongst the group grumbled out loudly and soon the rest of them followed suit. 

"Indeed. If that had truly been a contest does she think we would go easy on her." They made it sound so righteously, for the scarred face man who wasn't at the contest, he really believed. Thus, he turned to look at Raaya with a contemptuous gaze. 

"You went easy on her? Doesn't your face hurt from twisting the truth so much. If I remember correctly you guys were beaten without a chance of escape! Do you still have any pride?" Alia argued from her seat. She had tried to keep mute but the shamelessness of these men revolted her beyond measure. She couldn't stand to watch their gloating Express, especially when they took the cash CE to ridicule Raaya.

"What do you know? You didn't even have the heart to face us then. Just sit down while we elders talk"

The atmosphere around Alia dropped dangerously. Her beauty face darkened as she glanced at the man. Her hand pushed against the table making distance between the table and chair for her to pass. Yet as she took a step a fair hand stretched out and caught unto her wrist.

Alia looked down at Raaya's hand holding her firmly. She pouted "Raaya"

Raaya slowly opened her eyes. The dark pearls like eyes stared at Alia then she shook her head slightly. Perhaps seeing how calm Raaya was, Alia became effected with the same calmness. She humphed and took her seat back.

Next the girl turned her blank eyes to the group acting out their script before her face. She folded her hands again then plopped her feet upon the wooden round table.

"Go straight to the point on why you lot are here. No need to delay" 

"There is only one way to settled this" scar man announced. Everyone turned to look at him. They all knew what the answer was. 


It was written in their Jaegers rule book. If there was a dispute between any two Jaegers or between a group, over anything then the association would have an all out contest where no one was excluded. Whosoever then wins this content would be no doubt the custodian of that object. It was applicable to everything, weapon, mission, gear or titled.

It wasn't as easy as it sounds, the probability of winning was equal to none if you weren't strong enough. This was the reason most of them settled their differences outside the gladiator system contest. 

"But we've already had a contest. How is it our problem if you can't agree to the outcome. Everyone else there had agreed prior to it." Curtis pointed out.

"As far as I know, only a handful of people agreed to it. That's a more reason why the outcome is null and void. In accordance to our rules, I propose the gladiators conquest. If you have a problem with that then quit the mission"

If the conquest was agreed upon then nobody would be able to refuse it. Every Jaeger currently in Main City was mandated to join. Thus, none if them expected she would agree to it. There was no one she would have the mind to face off everyone in a battle all for one mission. 

To say she was offended would have been an understatement, still she tried her best to make her anger in a calm expression. Her chins lifted up and her eyes rested on the young man standing in the room with a righteous stance. 

She has know him long enough to tell that it was his handwritten on the wall. 

This was what he wanted.