CHAPTER 18: A trick or two

So far the group of weeny teenagers as they had called them had totally exceeded everybody's expectations. Two of their members have been disqualified yet with those two alone, they had managed to wipe out more than half of the Jaegers seated for the battle.

Now that there was still three of them left to fight, the hopes of the crowd has began to change. They just might... Yes there was a ten percent chance that they could win this conquest. Ten percent might not sound like a lot but that was already a big percent of probability for them, considering the fact that someone like Alan who was consider the strongest Jaeger had not made a move yet. 

It was Dylan's turn now and the audience was ready to watch another exciting battle.

Indeed it was an exciting battle, wielding his gold weapons created from the gold rings and stones on his body, he cleared out his opponent, number after number. There was no fancy move or extravagant drama but his battles left people feeling like they had just watched the most smoothest battle they have ever seen. 

He took the shortest time to knock out his opponent. Though confronting his rival in close combat, he sustained not even one injury. Always managing to evade his opponents attack while landing a blow of his own. No one could keep up with his spontaneous change of weapons. One second it could be a hammer, the next a sword, the next a completely different thing, all thanks to his ability to bend gold.

Still everyone was bound to meet their match. With the exit of his defeated opponent, another man stood up from the bleachers. He didn't make it to the ring because he was immediately usurped by someone else. A buffy man stood up and held his shoulder back, the man concede and the buffy man and proceeded in his stead. 

The man jumped into the ring, landing on his two feet. He waved the sword in his hand and hung it on his shoulder. Dylan stared at him with a calm expression. For a second his mind had drifted away, he could remember the face of the man and seemed to have heard a secret about him but standing here with him in this ring, he suddenly could not recall what it was that he had heard to be cautious about this man. He looked at the man and decided to pay no attention to it. No matter what it was he wasn't going to let it affect him before the fight actually began.

The man on the other end, also judge his enemy with his gaze. He had watched the boy fight for the past dozen rounds and so he know the boys strength was his agility and stamina. His attacks were quick precise and straight to the point. It was almost like he had the ability to exploit one into becoming sloppy when you were up against him.

Whatever the case was, the man chose to be wary of the young boy. Victory was his sole purpose in this fight, so he could not let the boy win. 

The man stabbed the sword into the ground. A serious expression on his face as he took a horse stance. Apart from Dylan and the rest of his group, everyone else seemed to know what this stance entailed as the excitement in the arena tripled in amount.

The pendant on his neck shone a bright blue light and made a shrill sound. His body began to vibrate. The vibration increased, he was shaking like a house on earthquake. Eventually the vibration stopped and as it did, the man's body separated into two. The buffy man had shockingly become two. It was no afterimage rather the man had separated himself into two. 

Dylan didn't even have enough time to process the new development. The bell rang and his opponent, rather duo opponent rushed at him. 

Facing off two people at the same time was not an easy feat. Dylan was having a hard time dealing with their simultaneously attacks. If he wasn't sure at first, as the fight went on he became sure that this two people were not afterimages. The man had really separated himself into two. Each of them could think and act independently so their attacks were totally opposite. With them cooperating to keep him grounded, he couldn't even land an attack of his own. He was constantly on a defensive stance even still it was not enough to evade the combine attacks of the two. 

Their fist struck his chest. He blocked it on time with his hands still he was sent stumbling to the floor in a distance. 

A small groan left Dylan's lips as he got up from his floor. He looked at his hands, the obvious split on his left hand couldn't be more obvious than it already was. Half his arm had gone limp like a broken leaf. The two were really strong together, their attacks in perfect sync. Now he remembers what it was he had he heard of the man. It was no doubt, if he kept going head on with the two of them, every part of his body would be broken like his arm was. 

"Just forfeit. No one has ever been able to defeat our duo attack" they told him as they watched him lift himself from the floor. 

Dylan already knew that but that wasn't reason to make him forfeit. They weren't stronger than him, the only advantage they had was their number and coordinated attacks that gave him no breathing space. If he had a way to keep one of them away from him then beating the other would not be so hard even with one arm.

But the question was there such a way?

Everyone had a trick or two up their sleeves, He wouldn't be a fighter if he didn't. One of the stones on his cloth morphed into a cast and bound his broken arm. He plucked off four other stones from his cloth and tossed them to the ground. His eyes flashed golden and the gold stones began to shift. The ones on his cape began all combined together to form a thick golden armour around his body, the four he had tossed to the ground rapidly increased in size, they grew till they were half his size and changed into golden creatures. 

Covered in shining armour with the creatures standing next to him, the young man gave off a valiant aura. With his new allies he spared no thoughts at charging at his opponent. The favour of numbers were on his time this time around. He had taken the opponents strategy and used it against them.

While he battled against one of them, the golden creatures he had made fought off the other one. Without them acting together, the defendes of his opponent was not as strong as it was when they started. 

His fist wrapped in metal gold struck the man in the face. The man staggered backwards. That one hit broke his nose, blood flowed out like a tap had been let loose in the man's head. Simultaneously Dylan noticed something interesting. The other man who was battling with the creatures had blood flowing down his nostrils too. Their secret was exposed. Even though they acted separate and had the ability to think separately, they were still just one person. Whatever happened to one was bound to happen to the other. It was how it was for him and his metal monsters. A streak of his energy was imbedded into them to make them move and think on their own. If they got destroyed them he would no doubt suffer from injuries.

Realising this truth made the fight even more easy for Dylan. So he just had to focus on knocking one out and the other would follow suit. With this in mind, his attack become more ferocious. The other man rushed to help out his second half but was obstructed by the creation once more.

A sword appeared in Dylan's hand, he slashed it at his rival. The man avoided it on time still not quick enough. The slash left a deep cut across his palm. In the next second the sword became a mighty hammer. The hammer extended into the sky and slammed down on the man. Momentarily carried away by the cut on his hand, the man did not have enough time to jump out of the way. He did what every other person would have done. He rose his hands to stop the hammer. 


The result of that was a pair of broken hand. The loud snapping sound found its way into the ears of those watching. Followed next by the man's heart wrenching shriek. Despite watching so many battle and seeing all sort of broken bones and torn skin, people still cringed to this kinds of scene when they saw one.