CHAPTER 22- The end

Myra lurched towards the man. Her fist struck towards his head. By the time she was an inch away, alia put out the illusion. The man came his senses immediately, he felt Myra looming above his head, her fist coming closer by the second. Even if he wanted to, he could not avoid it in that short period, he couldn't even block the attack.

The girl's fist landed squarely on his head. Immense pain shot through his body, the man was burrowed into the ground with her punch. It took a bunch of minutes before he could stand up. Even so he stood up with much difficult. A line of blood running down his forehead. She had almost cracked his skull with her punch. 

His sight was bloody, everything before his eyes looked red from the blood that was flowing into his eyes. He cleaned the blood away from his eyes and stared at the girl. He had underestimated her. If he had any plans of winning this match then he had to start taking her seriously.