clever move

Raaya pointed to the drag lines behind their backs. Noticing the trails they were unconsciously claiming ownerships off, they all settled on the two empty ones at the sides.

"That must be Curtis and Philip" Myra said out.

Raaya nodded "as long as we follow those trails. We might get to find them."

Alia added "hopefully they stuck to the grounds all through"

They nodded in agreement. If at any point, the spider monkeys had taken their prey off the floor, then it would be hard to find them after that. They couldn't possibly guess where they would have gone, maybe to the skies or even underground and it would be like finding a pair of needled in a hay stack.

"Let's split up and follow the marks. Thankfully the sun is up so we can see then trails cleary. Let's also hope at the end we get to meet those two in one piece" she sighed and continued "Dylan and Reid shouted go together. I and Alia would also go together" 

"What about me?" Myra asked.