masked girl

"a job recommendation?" Raaya played naive and asked back curiousity. Her eyes showing that even though she didn't know what the woman had spoken of she was very much interested.

The woman on the other hand put her hands into her pocket and took out a small business card. She stretched it out, handing it over to Raaya. Raaya did the same thing, she stretched her hand and collected the card, still holding that curious look on her face. The card was painted in a pure white colour. It had nothing written in it, rather the diagram of a small crescent moon behind a howl wolf was engraved at the center of the card. Apart from these there was nothing else, not even a name or description. The curious look on Raaya's face deepened.

Was this it?

She lifted her eyes to stare at the woman, asking in a slight stutter "this is?"