Thrutching weight

"i can't survey this desert." Raaya responded calmly. Even though she was particularly clueless like they all were, she still had that calm and collectedness that gave off the impression that her cluelessness was not going to last for long or she was not totally clueless as she acclaimed to be.

Oblivious to the impression she gave off, Raaya continued to speak "The pressure of this sandstorm is tons more than what it had been in the fog, it totally obstructs me from making any survey through it, so I can't tell how long we would have to walk through it"

"The depiction on the map already shows that it's a long mass of land. I initially mentally calculated us using about four days to get through it, but with this pressure. Walking would really be a problem, so I guess we should double that or perhaps triple it" with an ugly expression, the geographer in their midst pointed out the bad news.