a bad omen

She furrowed her brows looking in the direction of the garden house. That figure was totally gone covered by the stalks of tall plants and the people trailing behind but it was like she was still there. All of a sudden her view was obstructed by a fat smiling face.

"Is there a problem miss?" The mayor asked with an awkward smile. He had seen her staring, having already also seen who it was that had gone that ways, anxiously he came to obstruct her view, incase she noticed something.

"Who is that?" Raaya withdrew her view from the area behind his back and asked.

"Ah that is my daughter. You must have seen her earlier today at the patrol, she does the patrol with I and my wife. Is there a problem?" Squinting his eyes into a cautious arc, he gauged Raaya's expression to see if she had discovered something.