one sided massacre

"How gullible" Dylan spat out and looked away from them as if staring at them for one more second would pass their foolishness unto him.

"Don't act like you know better!" The man got angry. "you're only arrogant because you this ignorant. I bet you haven't seen what a god is talkmore of being a follower of one"

At this point Raaya could no longer hold back her laugh. "Hehe" she chuckled amused by the level this people had been washed into believing this bunch of nonsense.


Follower of a god?

Even the so called gods hiding in the God realm would feel embarrassed when they hear they had been reduced to having such mindless followers that wasn't even bright enough to tell apart what was right from wrong. Now to think these people had indulged in all this evil deeds just because they believed they were working for a god was really a sacrilege to the real God.