
This lady had more power than anyone could imagine. Not many in this village was aware of this but he just happened to be amongst the measly that knew because he was there that night. Hiding away at a distance with the rest of of the resistance waiting for the right time to render help to these warriors.

He saw how she had at last singlehandedly pushed that creature into a difficult situation. Even her team did not dare interfere after that for the fear of being caught in the cross fire, how much more him who could not be compared to a toe on their foot. In the end he just went away mortified by what he saw. Now that he was before her, the awe he felt oozed through his face making him dumbstruck.

"Mmhmm" Curtis cleared his throat to cause a distraction for the young man. He was asked a question, but instead of answering he just sat there staring at Raaya with smitten eyes. If one didn't understand well, you might think he was falling in love.