
Going forward was not an option as before them was a whirlwind twirling so fast metres above the ground, pulling not just dust but the very essence of the earth away as it twirled. The floating dust and sand rose to create a miniscule fog that swallowed up half the whole yard ahead of them.

Partly shrouded in this fog, the view was somewhat hazy, with only half the yard clearly visible. The remaining half remained cloudy that they could barely see through. Nevertheless the boundary of the dome just at the reach of the other side was visible and so was that red bulging structure stretching out of the floor like a tree.

"What is this?" The Kaiser asked bewildered. His eyes stared shakily at the yard in front of him, it was hard to tell what had caused his bewilderment. Whether it was the fog or the unusual red structure, his sight shifted between the two constantly in fleeting seconds.

"That is the blood stone" Alia pointed out firmly.