Chapter 2 “Please, Come To My Rescue”

I need to locate my phone. I really need help", Alexander said to himself as he ran, staggering back to the party ground searching desperately for his phone.


 "I'm feeling weak already ", Alexander said to himself as the room reverberated with conflicting powers. The sound of gunfire intermixed with the hip-hop music that's on play in the party house. 


 "Since I can't find my phone, I need to move with a liquid elegance and a wonderful movement of avoidance and counterattacks this time", Alexander said to himself as he stopped running and decided to fight.


 "Losers, face me with your fists if you are really as capable as you claim to be", Alexander said to the Top Assassin and Assassin 10 with extreme boldness.


 "Did you think your trick was gonna work on us again? We aren't fools like you think we are", the Top Assassin said as he reloaded his gun.



 "Stop being a coward. Come on boy, you are way too skilled to use a gun as a weapon," Alexander said, as he replied jokingly, with an arrogant smile.



 "Say your last prayers", the Top Assassin said as he pointed his gun straight at Alexander, who was at a distance where his hands were of no reach to act smart or make any move to escape this time.



 Bang (gun shot), aimed at the head. With a broken skull gushing out blood, he falls and dies.



 "Damn", Alexander said after being shocked as he experienced the Top Assassin's death.


 "Drop your gun", Reyna says audibly as she points the gun at Assassin 10 from behind after shooting the Top Assassin.


 "Thank goodness, a goddess has come to my rescue", Alexander says as he runs furiously and mercilessly towards Assassin 10 with all the energy he has left. He picks a bottle from the floor, breaks it and forcefully buries the sharp object into the left side chest of Assassin 10, causing him to die instantly.


 "Ahhhhhh! Assassin 10 shouted and moaned as he got rewarded with death after being stabbed in the heart.


 "You deserve a brutal death" Alexander said as he removed and stabbed the right side of his chest again.


 "Thank you so much goddess", Alexander thanks Reyna as he staggers and breathes so heavily as a result of exhaustion and pains in his shot arm.



 "You are so amazing", said Alexander as he held Reyna's hands, touched her face, looked into her beautiful eyes and kissed her so passionately for a long period of time without disapproval from Reyna. In the process of kissing passionately, Alexander falls on the floor and loses consciousness due to exhaustion.



 It clocks 7:30am in the morning hours of an attractive neighborhood on the outskirts of the city of Eldoria, nestles amidst trees and noiselessness, dwells a lady in her early twenties, beautiful, curvy, youthful, a hardworking and a humble maiden, Reyna, having hazel eyes, reflective pools of warmth and sincerity. 

 Her skin, kissed by the sun, bore a radiant glow and sparkle that caused days spent in the embrace of nature. Her smile, a luminous expression of joy, had the ability to illuminate even the darkest corners of Eldoria. 


 "Reyna, has he gained consciousness?" Granny Rachael asked.



 "No, he hasn't. He's still unconscious", Reyna replied as she navigated her way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.



 Reyna lives with her grandma, Rachael, in a comfortable middle-class home. "I'll be cooking for three today, how do I go about the measurement of the food? I'm used to cooking only for both of us. It's a little bit challenging now", Reyna asks as she gets confused about how to go about cooking for three people.



 "I'm coming to assist you, you don't need to be confused", Granny Rachael said, heading to the kitchen to assist Reyna.



 The kitchen echoes with the continuous clinking of metal against glass as Reyna and her Granny prepare breakfast. The aroma of spices spreads through the air, creating a comforting atmosphere.


 "Granny, these old recipes really bring back memories," Reyna said, gently stirring the simmering pot.


 Her Granny chuckled, the sound of her laughter harmonizing with the frying of onions in the pan. "Oh, dear, cooking is like a symphony of flavors and memories. It's how we pass down our story."


 As Granny chopped vegetables, the rhythmic clunk of the knife on the wooden board joined the culinary melody. "Every chop tells a story, Reyna. Just like life, you have to find the right balance."


 Reyna nodded, smiling, her fingers expertly kneading dough. "I never realized cooking could be so poetic, Granny."


 In the visitor's room, "where am I?", Alexander said so calmly as he regained consciousness.



 "Anyone home?", Alexander calmly said again as he glanced through the room which hosted a well-loved sofa adorned with wide and extensive cushions, complemented by a coffee table bearing the marks of time.



 "This room reminds me of my Grandfather", Alexander said as he noticed a quaint rocking chair in the corner with a cute cat gracefully weaving through the antique legs of the table, adding a touch of warmth to the timeless surroundings.



 As Granny reached for a spice jar, she heard a shout in the visitor's room where Alexander lies unconscious. "I think he is awake, Reyna, go and check on him. I think he needs help", Granny said.



 "Are you alright?" Reyna asked Alexander after getting into the room. "Don't stress yourself. You don't need to stand up for now", she said, realizing that Alexander was shouting as a result of the pain he felt while he tried to get down from the bed.



 "How did I get here?", Alexander asked. 


 "After you went unconscious, I took your car keys from your pocket and drove you here to my place to take care of your injuries and keep you safe", Reyna replied.


 "You know, it was my first time driving a car. I was desperately eager to save your life", Reyna added.


 Alexander, with a heart of gratitude said, "To be honest with you, I lost hope already.I thought I would lose my life yesternight. From nowhere, you came to my rescue like a goddess. I so much appreciate your kindness towards me dear".


 "By the way, what's your name?", Alexander asked.


 "I'm Reyna," she replied.


 "And I'm Alexander", he said as he held, caressed and kissed Reyna's caring hands.


 "I know you have a lot of questions to ask me. I'll answer them all, but first, you need to eat something to become energized", Reyna said as she smiled back at Alexander.


 "I'll bring your food to the room", Reyna said as she moved out of the room, heading towards the kitchen.


 "Granny, he has gained consciousness. Let's go to the room with the food and eat together with him, so that he'll be able to recover quickly", Reyna said.


 "Sure, let's head over to the room to eat together with him", Granny replied.


 "Alexander, this is my Granny. Her name is Rachael", Reyna states respectfully as she brings a tray of food along with her Granny.


 Good morning Granny Rachael, Alexander said, bowing his head as he honors an elder's presence.


 "Good morning dear. How are you feeling now Son?", Granny replied.


 "I'm feeling better than before, and with time the injury on my bandaged arm will heal. I feel so blessed being in the midst of people who care about my well-being. Thank you so much Granny, thank you so much Reyna. Both of you are awesome", Alexander said so emotionally with a heart of gratitude.


 "Let's eat now. It's enough hearing all these emotional speeches", Granny said as they all laughed.


 "Ohhh, who removed the bullet from my arm?", Alexander asked immediately he remembered that his injury was sustained as a result of a gunshot to his arm.


 "My super Granny did. She's a retired surgeon. Do you think I'll drive you home when I have no guarantee of your well-being and recovery? I would have rather taken you to the hospital instead", Reyna says as she begins to serve breakfast to Granny Rachael.