Join Me And Live, Oppose Me And Die A Dog’s Death

Harry stood in one of the arenas with a confident look on his face.

He had chosen to fight against the One-Horned Forest Wolf, which was one of the strongest Rank 1 Monsters in the list.

The highest number of points that a single monster could have was 110 Points, and the Forest Wolf gave 90 Points.

Harry was sure that once he defeated this monster, he would enter the top 100, and even have a shot for the top five, where greater prizes would be awarded to the winner.

The other candidates had a similar strategy to their peers.

They fought the Monsters that they believed were something that they could handle. Since they felt that they would be unable to beat the Five Monarch Clans, as well as the Ten Prestigious Families, they chose monsters, which would allow them to enter the top 100 easily.