I Won’t Steal Your Master From You. At Least, Not Yet

Giga Chad crouched low on the ground, using the tall blades of grass as cover.

Thirteen, who was mounted on his back, used his scope to take a closer look at the sleeping Warsor Black Hound in the distance.

This monster had very strong detection ability. Similar to a dolphin, it only slept with half of its brain, leaving the other half alert, ready to wake the Monster up in a hurry.

Vassago, who had taken a good look at the surroundings, landed beside Thirteen and nudged his cheek.

This was his way of saying that aside from the Drow, who was hiding a distance away from them, there were no other threats nearby.

"I guess it's time to use our secret weapon," Thirteen muttered as he took out a waterskin that was packed to the brim, not with water, but with Giga Chad's stink spray in liquid form.

Giga Chad's spray wasn't really gaseous in nature.