You’ll Never Know How Strong You Are Until Being Strong Is Your Only Choice

While Vassago was making sure that Thirteen wasn't detected by the Tigerkins who had very strong detection abilities, Tiona was peacefully exploring inside the residence.

Even though she couldn't detect any treasures on her own, she had something that was helping her resolve this problem.

On her tail, Thirteen had put on a ring that had the passive ability, Detect Treasure.

This ring belonged to Norris, and according to him, it could detect if there were any lumps of gems, gold, or any other precious metals within the ten-meter radius of the wearer.

It could detect these treasures even if they were underground, underwater, or hidden on the walls of a cavern.

If a precious mineral was near it, it would alert its wearer by turning warm.

Once the ring was close enough to the treasure, it would let out a small white light that only its wearer could see.