Whatever Choices You Make, You Should Not Blame Others For Their Outcome

Knowing that things wouldn't progress if he stayed silent, the teenage boy cleared his throat in order to divert the attention of the Wanderers to other matters.

"Okay.let's put that aside for now." Thirteen, who was brought back to reality by Tiona, decided to deal with the current situation first. "Herman, what do you plan to do now? Do you wish to stay here and use the underground caves as your base of operations?"

The teenage boy with short reddish brown hair and blue eyes glanced at his team, wanting to see if they were willing to stay and use the caves as their base.

However, after seeing the anxious look on their faces, he understood that his teammates had no intention of staying underground and hiding from their enemies.

But instead of answering Thirteen, he shifted his attention to Phoebe and asked her a question.

"Were you also attacked by Goblins?" Herman asked.