Monster Brawl


There was a small Elite Group of Artemians that separated from their formation to continue their pursuit of the fleeing Wanderers.

Their captain had the ability to use group teleport, allowing them to teleport anywhere within two miles in any direction.

Fifty Artemians, led by a Rank 7 Sovereign, appeared at the front of the Monster Stampede, blocking their path to escape.

Monsters were stronger and faster than Wanderers, so they took the lead, while the teenage boys and girls were at the rear of their formation.

"Lowly creatures, just accept your fate and allow yourselves to be sacrificed!" the Rank 7 Sovereign shouted. "Kill them!"

The Artemians charged forward, with their armor glowing in a bright light.

This light increased their strength for a period of time, giving them the confidence to annihilate the Monster Stampede.

At least, that was what they originally believed.