The 6th Layer Of The Treasury Of The Apocalypse [Part 2]

The Treasury of the Apocalypse had thirteen layers.

The last layer only contained one Divine Artifact, and that was none other than Pandora's Box.

It was an item that could unleash countless horrors to the world and bring about the end of it.

The Order of the Apocalypse was formed to reach that goal.

Just like how the Gods bring heroes to their worlds to deal with the Demon Lords, as well as all the other threats in their eyes, Metatron had also set up his own organization—but contrary to the other, the goal of their entire existence was to bring about the end of the world.

The Sixth Layer was the halfway point of the Treasury, and among its members, only Kamrusepa had unlocked it.

While she wasn't the strongest among the members of the Order, she was the smartest and was someone who knew when to attack, when to hold back, and when to negotiate.